Monday, March 13, 2023

The March Equinox and the Start of the Astrological New Year

The March Equinox and the Start of the Astrological New Year

Intuitive Astrology

By Tanaaz

Posted on March 13, 2023

The March 20th-21st Equinox 2023, brings a moment of balance and equilibrium; a return to a zero-point state as we honor equal hours of night and day.

It is said that on the Equinox, the veil between dimensions grows thin and the energy grid of Mother Earth moves into perfect harmony, allowing us to soak in the energy of balance and renewal.

The March Equinox also aligns with the start of Aries Season, and as Aries is the first sign of the zodiac, it is considered the start of the astrological new year and the start of a new adventure around the Sun.

Depending on where in the world you live, the March Equinox also brings the arrival of a new season. For those in the Northern Hemisphere, it represents the start of Spring. For those in the Southern Hemisphere, it represents the start of Autumn.

All of this combined makes the March Equinox a powerful day for aligning in harmony with our higher selves, focusing on renewal, and creating balance.

Depending on what Mother Nature is doing around us, and where we are on our own personal trip around the Sun, we may feel called to blossom and sprout, or we may feel called to go within and retreat.

Embrace where you are, and acknowledge that just like the seasons change, so do your life circumstances. And under this March 2023 Equinox, anything is possible.

March Equinox Astrology 2023

For the 2023 Equinox, we have zero major planets in retrograde motion. This means we have some strong, forward-moving energy for getting things done and making progress.

Right before the Equinox peaks on March 17, Mars, the ruler of Aries and the planet associated with action, motivation, and getting things done leaves its post-retrograde shadow phase, sending a burst of energy into our cosmic skies.

Then shortly after the Equinox reaches its peak, we experience the Aries New Moon on March 21st which unlocks some incredible opportunities for new beginnings, fresh starts, and intention setting.

The Aries New Moon is typically one of the best of the year for setting intentions and planting seeds for our future, and this year, we are gifted with two Aries New Moons, this one on March 21st and another on April 19th, which happens to be a very powerful New Moon Solar Eclipse.

The March Aries New Moon will pave the way for the Eclipse energies that will unfold next month. It will help prepare us for the new chapter that is destined to unfold. It will recharge and renew us from the inside out so we are ready to walk this new pathway that is opening.

Working with the March Equinox

To embrace all of these energies, use the March Equinox to soak up the energies of balance. Use this energy to return to a zero-point state where you are steady, sure, and whole in who you are.

Use the March Equinox energies to bring balance into your routine, into your diet, and into your way of being. Acknowledge where things are out of balance, and work to bring ease and harmony to those areas.

Spend time in nature soaking up the harmonizing rays of the energy grid, and recognize that new opportunities are possible. Create some intentions, visualize what you wish to attract, and stay open.

The month ahead is full of new beginnings and the March Equinox is the tipping point. The energy of creation is high, so keep your vibration lifted, your heart open, and your mind expanded.

Equinox Blessings!


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