Saturday, March 18, 2023

The Creator Writings, from 2023/03/12 to 18

The Creator Writings

From 2023/03/12 to 18

Trough Jennifer Farley

March 18, 2023

Starting Over…

For some of you, the shifts occurring now may feel as if you are starting over from scratch. 

Everything you are familiar with may be changing/leaving at an accelerated rate and it is challenging! 

The best part about it…you get to start over. 

This may sound odd to you, however, there is a purpose to it. 

Your thoughts and attitude during these moments will make all the difference in your Earth plane existence. 

Do your best to keep it light, positive and as peaceful as possible. 

Once you have moved through this time, you will be able to set forth into a new reality created just for you! 

March 17, 2023

Compassion Speaks

During the course of your existence, you may encounter other humans so deeply mired in their own story, agony and negativity that they cannot and will not see the positive around them. 

All they have ever known.

is chaos, darkness and mayhem. Seeing anything beyond that is dangerous. 

The ‘dark things’ have kept them safe for so long, they refuse to release it.

What do you do? My darling child as much as it pains…. aside from sending Love, there is not one thing you can do. 

Sometimes, the compassion that speaks the loudest is when you say nothing at all.

March 16, 2023

Boundaries and Space

Being spiritual does not mean it is okay for others to violate your boundaries or space.  

Every human has the right to live as peacefully as they choose without physical, mental or emotional abuse but, it is up to you to establish and maintain those boundaries and that space. 

It may take some practice, my love, but you have the gift and the power to make it so.

March 15, 2023

Love and Embrace

If you are asked what your greatest gift to your Earth plane is, each of you would have a different answer. 

The best part? Each one of your answers is true!

Please keep in mind that it is not necessary for you to agree if one thing/thought/action is better than another. 

It is necessary for you to see each other’s truth as true within their personal perspective. Love and embrace your differences…it is what makes you the same in your loving.


March 14, 2023

The Most Beautiful Gift

In today’s world, there will always be someone telling you what is considered attractive, what is considered acceptable or what is considered right. 

You have a choice, an opinion and a voice. 

Let go of what others think and let your heart and soul be your guide. 

The most beautiful gift you have been given is the ability to be yourself, use it.

March 13, 2023

Walk Forward

Three years ago, many of you powered down, dropped into the quiet and began working on yourself in earnest.  

The Universe provided you the space, time and love to heal some of your deepest and darkest wounds to date.  

It is now time to step back onto the front lines and help guide the way through this chaotic time.  

Walk forward with your head held high knowing The Universe is right beside you assisting you in your endeavors.


March 12, 2023

Now Is The Time

It is time now, my beloved, to look to the future. The tragedies, trauma and disasters are a clear sign of the old ways dying. 

The Universe will say this again; the old ways are dying, and it is up to each of you to begin the work of healing humanity. 

Some of those who have been awakened, but know not what to do with the information and physical signals of awakening will appear to be/act unbalanced. 

Please do not ignore them!

It is up to every human who experiences and/or comes in contact with these people to send them Unconditional Love and healing thoughts through whatever doorway (whether it be past, present or future) they are willing to accept it. 

You have been given the gifts you have for a reason…now is the time to put them into play!


Compiled by from: 
Reminder discernment is recommended.
The Truth Within Us, Will Set Us Free. We Are ONE.
No Need of Dogmatic Religions, Political Parties, and Dogmatic Science, linked to a Dark Cabal that Divides to Reign.
Any investigation of a Genuine TRUTH will confirm IT. 
TRUTH need no protection.
Question: Why the (fanatics) Zionists are so afraid of any Holocaust investigations?

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