Wednesday, March 15, 2023

Bring It Back to the Love

Bring It Back to the Love

By Steve Beckow

Posted on March 15, 2023

It isn’t coffee you’re seeking, Steve. It’s love.

It isn’t a sweet and salty peanut bar. It’s love.

You’ll have to excuse me but I’m still caught up reflecting on what the Divine Mother said about our Ascension journey and the journey of life itself. It’s so deep and I keep getting it at a deeper level:

“[Ascension, spiritual evolution] is only about love, about the many expressions, about the many forms.

“And truly of anchoring and being nothing but the love, in intellect, in wisdom, in sharing, in adventure, in relationship. It can only be [so] when you continue to bring all adventures, all arguments, all explorations back to the love.” (1)

Later in the same reading, she continued:

DM: Sweet child, the expressions are only of One so I repeat what I have said so many times. If it is not of love, if it does not build the love, if it does not expose the love, if it does not communicate the love, then turn away.

Choose the path to me, beloved one. I am here, I am there, and I am everywhere and with you every which way. So turn to me. (2)

Bring it all back to the love. I imagine that’s why Michael says so often to ask ourselves, what would love do?

Archangel Michael: One of the questions that you can always ask yourself is, “What would love do? How does love behave?” (3)

AAM: Open your heart, receive the gifts, be the love. I have reminded everybody to ask first and foremost what would love do, but what love would do is to be the love.

And that means not merely holding the love, but moving into actions ― for yourself, for your family, for your community, for your planet ― that are only expressions of love, yet feel that they are completely in alignment with the truth of who you are. (4)

Always bring it back to the love. I may succeed in being this way in the quiet of my home, but thinking of doing it in the outside world is daunting.

Nonetheless, I’ve been given a simple little exercise which is all about bringing it back to the love. What makes me hesitate in making it a practice as often as possible? I know the reward that awaits us when the heart at last opens. Not having my priorities straight, for sure.

The process is: Draw the love up from your heart (5) on the inbreath, swirl it around inside you (6), and then send it out to the world. What could be simpler?

Ascension is just that: A permanent and complete heart opening. The opening of the heart – not the heart chakra – is our portal to the higher dimensions.

Michael once depicted us walking down the hallway of a gallery and each exit door opened onto another dimension. And we were choosing which we’d enter. (7)

I foresee that, if and when we’re immersed in the love that awaits us, it may be some time before we’d be interested in other dimensions, other places, other experiences. That love satisfies all urges, all desires. If it were not so, why would I be writing about it again and again?

Let me close with an extended passage from the Mother on how ascension will be love sweeping the planet and transforming us.

“The Divine Mother: You Are Experiencing Love in Ways that You Have Not Known Before,” at

Steve: [I had a vision] and it seemed to show me that the way to unitive consciousness was that love would arise and sweep away separative consciousness. Unitive consciousness was always already there. It was just overburdened with separative consciousness. Am I correct in that?

Divine Mother: Yes, you are. That is the way. Love will sweep you and the planet, and in many ways, dear heart, that is Ascension. Because what it also does is implode greater consciousness. You do not live in the old realm. Is there more? Yes. But, yes, that is the way that you move forward. It is the way that you experience.

And it does sweep you away. That is what I mean by the surrender and the bliss. And, make no mistake about it, you do leave your body and you inhabit your body.

You explode and you feel all the energies of the universe. And then, because you are becoming attuned to that feeling, that ecstasy, it steps down, and then you anchor it within your expanded field.

But each time you do the connection, it expands you more and more and more, and your capacity to love, to create, to do, to be, to connect, more and more and more, until there is no memory, no experience of separation. It was an illusion. It is a false grid. And it has been the shackles. But it is not real. So, yes.

The assignment to only be the love is probably the most challenging I’ve ever taken on. I’m already hearing messages like “it doesn’t matter how many times you fail as long as you pick yourself up and march on.” You’d think it was a battle to be endured rather than a consummation to be desired.

But it is time. Sooner or later, the adult has to put away youthful things.


(1) The Divine Mother in a personal reading with Steve Beckow through Linda Dillon, April 30, 2019 at [Hereafter AAM.]

(2) Loc. cit.

(3) AAM, Aug. 3, 2015.

(4) AAM, May 9, 2014.

(5) Not the heart chakra or physical heart. The heart is located two digits to the right of the sternum or breastbone.

(6) The real meaning of “love yourself,” I think.

(7) That depiction is accurate on more than one level. One level is that our new merkabah will allow us access to every dimension in the new space that’s being created. Another level is that we are all angels, as he’s reminded us, and have access to all the dimensions, the Transcendental, and even the Absolute. See An Explosion in the Meaning of Humanness at

Steve Beckow

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