Thursday, March 16, 2023

Ambivert vs Omnivert: 4 Key Differences and a Free Personality Test!

Ambivert vs Omnivert: 4 Key Differences and a Free Personality Test!

By Janey Davies, B.A. (Hons)

Posted on March 10, 2023

We’ve all heard of Introverts and Extroverts and we probably have a good idea of which one we are. But have you ever felt like you didn’t fit into either category? Perhaps some days you feel more introverted, but then the next day you are the life and soul of the party. Maybe you are a bit of both?

Well, experts now agree it is a little more complicated than fitting into one definition or the other. If you are unsure, perhaps the terms Ambivert vs Omnivert can help.

Ambivert vs Omnivert Definitions

Ambivert definition

Ambiverts are neither Introverted nor Extroverted; they are a mixture of both personality types. Ambiverts lie in the middle; if you think of introversion and extroversion at opposite ends of a spectrum.

The prefix ‘ambi’ means both, for example, ambidextrous, ambivalent, and ambiguity. An ambivert is, therefore, both introverted and extroverted. They have traits of both introverts and extroverts at the same time.

Ambiverts are more evenly balanced in their character. They can adapt to external factors using a mix of introverted and extroverted skills.
Omnivert definition

Omniverts are either introverted or extroverted, but not a mixture of both. Omniverts can be introverts in some situations and extroverts in others. So, omniverts lie at either end of the spectrum.

The prefix ‘omni’ means all, for example, omnipotent, omnivore, and omnipresent. An omnivert is therefore all introvert or all extrovert. They show traits of either one or the other, but not both at the same time.

Omniverts swing from introversion to extroversion depending on the situation or their mood. Omniverts react because of internal factors with either extroverted or introverted traits.

To help you decide whether you are an ambivert vs omnivert, here are 4 key differences:

Ambivert vs Omnivert: 4 Key Differences

1. Character

Ambiverts are well-balanced individuals who are engaging and have good listening skills. They exhibit steady behavioural traits in most circumstances.

Ambiverts are flexible in social settings. They can adapt to external situations easily, using their introverted and extroverted traits. Ambiverts use a mixture of introverted skills (listening one-on-one) and extroverted skills (socialising with strangers).

Omniverts swing from one extreme to the other. You never know which version you are going to get from one day to the next. One minute they can be entertaining, funny and lively, the next day they are quiet and withdrawn.

Omniverts react to external situations depending on how they are feeling. Omniverts show either extroverted or introverted traits in social settings.

2. Social life

Ambiverts adapt to the social setting they are in. They don’t have to be the centre of attention or be the life and soul to have a good time. You won’t find them dancing on the tables at a party, but they will be talking and genuinely interested in the other guests.

Ambiverts are good listeners and good talkers. They are happy to engage with others and share the conversation. When you invite an ambivert to a party, you know exactly how they’ll react. Ambiverts are equally happy spending time on their own.

Omniverts are a different story. Omniverts react differently in social settings, depending on their mood or energy levels. If omniverts are in an extroverted mode, they’ll be wildly entertaining, happy to party and sweep you along for the ride.

If they are in an introverted mode, they’ll decline the invitation or be quiet and withdrawn. You never know who will turn up when you’re dealing with an omnivert. They swing wildly from one extreme to the other.

3. Friends/Relationships

Ambiverts are flexible, and they make friends easily because they are well-balanced emotionally. Groups of friends with similar interests are popular with ambiverts. Ambiverts can party and share emotional issues with all their friends.

The difference between ambiverts vs omniverts is that ambivert’s friends probably all know one another and have remained friends for a long time. This is because an ambivert’s mood is stable and their personality doesn’t change that much.

Omniverts can have problems making friends because they swing from one mood extreme to the other. They will have different sets of friends, dependent on their social activity. So, they may class one group as their ‘partying friends’ and another as a best friend for deep and meaningful conversations.

Likely, one set of an omnivert’s friends has not met the others. Omniverts find maintaining long-lasting friendships challenging because of their mood swings.

4. Energy

Ambiverts function on a more even keel so their energy levels remain consistent. They don’t expend vast amounts of energy in social settings, as they are not wildly extroverted or extremely introverted. Ambiverts’ energy remains constant and so they don’t suffer from fatigue.

Ambiverts like a balance of social activity and alone time. They are happy in either situation and, as such, ambiverts gain energy from social activity and being alone.

Omniverts are either extroverted or introverted, so they gain energy depending on how they are feeling. If they are in the extroverted mode, they need activity and to socialise.

Omniverts shine brightly for a short while, gaining energy from the surrounding people. However, as soon as omniverts switch to the introverted mode, they crave solitude and quiet to recharge their batteries.

Ambivert vs Omnivert Personality Test: 10 Questions to Help You Decide

1. Are you an extrovert or an introvert?It depends on the situation

2. Do you like to be the centre of attention?If I’m in the mood
I’m not bothered either way

3. Do you make friends easily?It can be difficult, people don’t understand me
Yes, I don’t have a problem making friends

4. How would you feel if you had to give a presentation tomorrow?I won’t know until tomorrow
I’ll be fine so long as I prepare

5. I have invited you to a party this weekend; will you go?I’ll have to see how I feel
Sure, I don’t have any other plans. Why not?

6. You are meeting a partner’s parents. How do you think it will go?It will either be a total disaster or a complete success
I’m sure it will be fine

7. Do you prefer a set routine or a changeable schedule?

Changeable, let’s mix it up a little
I like working on a set routine

8. What are you like about decision-making?I make hasty decisions, then panic that I’ve made the wrong choice
I take time to make sure I’ve got all the information I need

9. Are you good at small talk?I find it either really stimulating or incredibly boring
Yes, it’s necessary to get to know people

10. What are you like in relationships?It’s drama all the way, amazing highs then huge lows

I don’t have major blowouts with partners

If you agreed with the first option, you are more likely to be an omnivert. If you agreed with the second option, you are likely to be an ambivert.

If you have ever felt you didn’t fit into either the introvert or the extrovert categories, knowing the difference between ambivert vs omnivert could help you understand your personality more. Why not take the test above and let me know your thoughts?

Janey Davies

Sub-editor & staff writer at Learning Mind
Janey Davies has been published online for over 10 years. She has suffered from a panic disorder for over 30 years, which prompted her to study and receive an Honours degree in Psychology with the Open University. Janey uses the experiences of her own anxiety to offer help and advice to others dealing with mental health issues.

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