Monday, February 27, 2023

Making Love a Path

Making Love a Path

By Steve Beckow

Posted on February 27, 2023

I’m impressed with what Sanat Kumara says here:

“So as you progress, entrain yourselves individually, leading in stewardship, leading the collective, showing them the way. … You have already been forging new pathways and what you are doing is saying, ‘Come, come, and follow me.’ You are the lead goose. You are the lead duck. You are the lead fish.” (1)

He puts it humorously but we are the lead duck. If you consider what an historic occasion our Ascension is, then we may see what a tremendous responsibility we have to do all we can to make this event a success.

And we may understand, as we stand on the threshold of the cabal’s last round of earthquakes, train derailments, and factory fires, why our sources are saying the Company of Heaven sent “the strongest of the strong.”

Time for us to find that strength within ourselves and then to demonstrate that behavior to those around us by leading in our fields.

Hey, I’m struggling along with everyone else. At least I’m in a position where I can cut back and cut back, whereas parents, for example, would find it harder.

Nevertheless, the internal struggle goes on between one side of me that wants to kill the b@$!@^%$!! and the other side that knows that love is the only answer.

All I can do, and all that it’s workable to do, is to witness or observe the thoughts, give them my attention, and allow them to pass at their own pace. That way I haven’t formed a connection to them. But I’m struggling with my vasanas (or core issues).

It’s at a time like this that I see the value in imaginatively anchoring to the Mother or Gaia. Whereas I was skeptical of these things way back when, I’m not any longer.

I’m making what I used to call the basic spiritual movement: Turning from the world (of the senses, of possessions, of the law of the jungle) to God (to anchor to the Mother, the only face of God we’ll ever know).

That settles the matter. I may forget what I said here, but I also recognize this as a foundational commitment that registers somewhere and resonates when I hit upon it again. On one level I’ll forget it; on another, I won’t.

Yes, there’s a lot going on, seemingly everywhere. Nonetheless, you and I agreed to lead, with all of it going on or not. Leadership is not an event; it’s a frame of mind, an attitude of availability and willingness.

I don’t regard the fact that my life may not be in order as sufficient excuse for me to not face into (and lead in) what’s about to hit us. Things will never be in order.

Not like anyone has to do anything. But if we want to further the plan, in accordance with our freedom of will, our sources appear to be saying that one thing we promised to provide was leadership. Remember: We’re all angels, whether we’ve forgotten or not. (2)

In Hinduism, love is a path – bhakti. Now, as we face into what’s said to be the worst we’ll face, in my view, the whole world needs to make love a path.

Time to lead?


(1)  “Sanat Kumara: Universal Law, Operating System for Nova Earth,” July 21, 2017, at

(2) See:

Steve Beckow

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