Tuesday, February 28, 2023

A Time to Acknowledge What We Value

A Time to Acknowledge What We Value

By Steve Beckow

Posted on February 28, 2023

A reader writes:

“I wish that you could advertise, or spread the word to the Internet of your existence and content somehow. You have to do something new, because you aren’t really making it.”

Let me explain why we’re going this road.

And, no, folks, we haven’t made our monthly minimum yet.

This is our assignment in this regard.

The Divine Mother wants us to ask for donations in order to excite generosity in readers and to give you a chance to get in touch with your values and express them materially.

Let’s face it. We’ve been locked down, split into bitterly-divided camps, “sheltered in place,” etc., and we’re not as closely connected as we were.

We need some way of reaching out, helping each other, and re-establishing the love bonds that have taken a beating.

It’d be nothing for Archangel Michael to add zeroes to our bank accounts or rain down money from heaven. (1) But the celestials don’t choose to go that route. It doesn’t trigger generosity and we’ve agreed to be part of doing just that, the Divine Mother says:

Steve: This poverty that we are having to endure just doesn’t seem necessary.

Divine Mother: You have agreed that you are on, can we say, the receiving end.

Our being on the receiving end offers readers an opportunity, she said, “to express gratitude, generosity, unity and to express what is valuable to them.”

Steve: So that is what the spiritual meaning of this is. That we serve that purpose of igniting people’s generosity or inspiring it.

Divine Mother: That is correct. You are the catalysts.

Steve: That is what I needed to know. (2)

And Michael also says:

Steve: Is it really in the Plan that we continue to approach readers month by month?

Archangel Michael: Barring [the Reval], yes, because what human beings are learning, again, is this ebb and flow and the many expressions of love and of sharing. (3)

So that’s the reason we appear before you each month, with the same appeal – to invite us to have our money be a statement of what’s valuable to us, what we miss, and what we want to see continue. And to experience again the ebb and flow of love through sharing.

As for “you aren’t really making it,” I’m not sure I personally have a goal of “making it.” If that were the case, I think I’d be in a different line of work.

In financial terms, we made ten years by the grace of you, the readers – and Michael and the Mother. And during that time we produced daily articles, more than a hundred books, and more than a dozen databases.

As for advertising, our readership is brought here by the Company of Heaven. Says Michael:

“We are all working not merely on the lightworker community, but on those who have still need to discover you. …

We are talking about substantially increased readership. We want the world to hear you.” (4)

“The goal is to reach everybody.” (5)

We’re ready.

Our marketing department being hard at work, I feel secure about our long-term future.

But from now until abundance arrives, we must appear before you each month. You become a part of producing an informational treasure chest, just awaiting more people awakening and looking around, to be discovered.  And you become a part of supporting us in what we love.

I look upon this site as a very large and integrated library of information on what’s happening on Planet Earth, onstage and behind the curtain.

Destined we hope to be a lasting record of our ins and outs, ups and downs as we inaugurate a historic Ascension process.

Please, help us continue. Let your fingers do the walking, over to the Hope Chest, to make a one-time or monthly donation, if you can (not if you can’t; we receive your love instead).

We invite you to express in material terms that this literature and this service is something you value, are a part of, and want to see go on.

Footnotes Follow

Yippee! Our new donation system is now available. We invite you to use the link below.

Here‘s how to donate:

Use this link ~ https://hopeche.st/pages/donate

Click the yellow “Donate” button to make a monthly recurring donation in the amount of your choosing.

For a one-time donation, follow the down arrow to the big box and follow the prompts.

Donations by check or money order should be made out to Hope Chest and sent to Hope Chest, P. O. Box 2744, San Pedro, Ca 90731.

If you have a question, please contact Karen at the Hope Chest: hopechest1111@live.com


(1) Archangel Michael: It does not mean that we can not put money in a bank account because we can. (Archangel Michael in a personal reading with Steve Beckow through Linda Dillon, July 11, 2014.) [Hereafter AAM.]

AAM: We do not simply send down rains of money — although that can happen as well. (“Archangel Michael: Welcome to This Time of Re-Awakening – Part 2,” channeled by Linda Dillon, September 30, 2013, at http://goldenageofgaia.com/2013/10/archangel-michael-welcome-to-this-time-of-re-awakening-part-2/.)

(2) Divine Mother in a personal reading with Steve Beckow through Linda Dillon, June 7, 2015.

(3) AAM, April 30, 2019.

(4) Ibid., Sept. 28, 2014.

(5) Ibid., Nov. 21, 2014.

Steve Beckow

Compiled by http://violetflame.biz.ly from: 
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The Truth Within Us, Will Set Us Free. We Are ONE.
No Need of Dogmatic Religions, Political Parties, and Dogmatic Science, linked to a Dark Cabal that Divides to Reign.
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TRUTH need no protection.
Question: Why the (fanatics) Zionists are so afraid of any Holocaust investigations?

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