US civil war about to end, war with China about to begin
By Benjamin Fulford
January 6, 2025
Full posted
The agents landed in about 40 to 60 locations. They selected a total of 135 targets, including the Prime Minister’s Office, the national parliament, nuclear power plants and oil refineries.
The sources add that they were recently contacted by a man who said: “A container sent to my company was so heavy that I opened it and found that it was a 10-ton truckload of 3,000 automatic rifles. When I told my boss about it , he called not the police but the Chinese consulate. The Chinese consulate immediately came and took away all the automatic rifles and machine guns. He told me to keep quiet.”
If this is true, the secretly stationed Chinese army outnumbers the 247,000 Japanese Self-Defense Forces and the 53,000 US troops by almost three to one.
To make matters worse, the Chinese have sent thousands of beautiful women to seduce and marry members of the Japanese military. According to the sources, 10,000 regular soldiers, 6,000 coast guard soldiers and 600 officers have Chinese wives. They are all sleeper agents and spies.
This map published by China shows the country’s territorial ambitions in the Far East.

The Chinese military is also conducting large-scale military exercises to blockade the island of Okinawa, where US forces are stationed.
The same sources also report massive battles between “Chinese dragons” in Japan, in which the police are unable to intervene. Our own Lotus Masonic contacts can confirm that some sort of secret Chinese proxy war is going on here in Japan.
Also remember that Biden was bribed by the Chinese and almost certainly allowed an even larger number of Chinese and allied military-age men into the US. We have reported before on large caches of weapons distributed throughout the US that they can use.
The Chinese hardliners have to stage a war because they, like the KM, are in big trouble and need a war to save their asses.
Government, household and corporate debt in China is approaching 300% of annual GDP. A major problem is local governments’ “hidden” debt – debt held in their name by opaque investment companies called local government finance companies. By some measures, the scale of this debt and the burden of servicing it are greater in China than in the United States before the financial crisis or in Europe in the depths of its own debt crisis a decade ago.
According to recent estimates from the end of November, there are around 80 million vacant apartments in China, which is half of the total housing stock in the United States.
Another sign that things are not going anywhere is that sales of foreign phones, especially Apple, in China are expected to fall by 47% in 2024.
The Chinese hardliners are once again trying to force the Chinese to obey by using a pandemic.
In the video below, you can see a Chinese health official leading hundreds of people into a quarantine camp. You may be wondering why people didn’t run away? Because they all had expired vaccination cards, which made it impossible for them to buy food, rent a hotel, take a taxi, eat at a restaurant, etc. They had nowhere to escape.
Another sign of how the Chinese are operating is the arrest and detention of a Japanese woman for espionage, who was on a business trip to
Shanghai. Their crime was asking Chinese visitors to Japan what they thought about the disputed Senkaku Islands. It was not classified information. So the Chinese arrest non-citizens for activities outside China.
There is also a battle for control over Korea. Last week, the US military intervened to prevent 2,700 Korean police officers from arresting deposed President Yoon Suk Yeol.
It is also very likely that the KM Obiden regime will threaten to continue crashing Korean civilian aircraft in order to force South Korea back into obedience.
A day after a Jeju Air passenger plane crashed at Muan International Airport in South Jeolla, another Jeju Air plane, also a Boeing 737-800, suffered landing gear damage.
All Boeing aircraft built since 1997 are equipped with a system that allows the pilot to lose control. This system was originally intended to “stop hijackers” but was instead used to bring down planes for political purposes. The four plane sudden crashes in different countries around the end of the year are probably related.

In any case, the trouble with China is also tied to Elon Musk and his fake Trump Mar a Largo show. After Abby Phillip asks in the video below if the US should be concerned about Elon Musk’s foreign dealings, Scott Jennings reminds her of Biden’s dealings with China:
“I have no concerns about Elon Musk. I’ve been looking at pictures recently of Joe Biden and Hunter Biden meeting with Chinese politicians who we were told don’t exist… For all the people who are really upset that Elon Musk has a very successful international company that actually produces things… the Bidens don’t produce anything and yet they’ve done business in China.”
The problem is that Musk is keeping the US company afloat by selling military technology to communist China.
Now Musk is using his fake Trump to push for foreigners to replace US workers. His fake Trump posted on social media in support of the H-1B program for foreign workers, saying, “I have many H-1B visas on my properties. I believed in H-1B. I used it many times. It’s a great program .”
Here’s what the real Trump had to say about this program in 2016, though: “Megyn Kelly asked about high-skilled immigration. The H-1B program is neither high-skilled nor immigration: it is temporary foreign workers imported from abroad with the express purpose of replacing American workers at lower wages I remain committed to eliminating rampant, widespread H-1B abuse and ending outrageous practices like those at Disney in Florida, when Americans were forced to train their foreign replacements H-1B as a cheap labor program once and for all and institute an unconditional requirement for all visa and immigration programs to hire American workers first. No exceptions.”

Musk is pushing for H1B because Tesla recently “increased its use of H-1B visas to replace US workers the company laid off during a wave of layoffs earlier this year.”
The X-posting linked below explains the story:
A well-known employment lawyer in California called me last night: H1B visa fraud/trafficking of workers. Here is what she said:
The market is dominated by visa body shops, which apply for ~50% of visas.
The economic side of the matter: These body shops are run by former HR managers from big tech companies. They bring people to America, rent apartments for them, and put about 10 people together in an apartment.
They put these people through a ~4-week bootcamp of basic technical training, fraudulently rewrite their resumes, and teach them how to conduct interviews.
The body shops place them in jobs, especially at the companies where these hiring managers come from, and pay the workers less than half the money.
Example. The position is listed as having a salary of $200,000, but the company has a contract with the body shop *not* the H1B worker, and the worker is actually paid closer to $40 an hour.
The body shops pocket most of the money and make millions by essentially engaging in human trafficking.
This abuse and fraud must end!
Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) says the primary function of the H-1B visa program and other guest worker initiatives is not to hire “the best and the brightest,” but rather to replace high-paying American jobs with low- paid contract workers from abroad. The cheaper the recruited labor, the more money the billionaires make.
A whistleblower says about Bernie Sanders that he too is a blackmailed pedophile:
Jennifer Guskin: “When I was a child, I was taken to a basement to be raped. While I was being raped, a man was dragged down the stairs and told to rape a boy who was bending over in front of him or she would kill the man and his family, who were lined up along a wall where a man was also standing behind a camera on a tripod.”
“Someone else came to him and told him, ‘If you don’t do it, they will kill your family and nobody can undo that. But if you do it, it will be good because the boy is used to it and no one has to die.'”
“To this day, that is the worst I have ever seen a grown man cry.”
“This man is currently in Congress. Yes, that was Senator Bernie Sanders.”
The White Hat Alliance proposes that Senator Sanders hold a press conference to discuss the pedophile blackmail he was forced into. In return, they will offer him amnesty and protection for his family. They will also make the same offer to all other blackmailed pedophiles who have not killed children.
Samantha Smith, another survivor of pedophile abuse, writes:
I went on national television to talk about the fact that little girls are being raped and exploited in council housing in Telford. The next day the police knocked on my door after searching every address I had ever lived at. They demanded that I come to the police station for an “interview” and tried to silence me because:
“If you talk about grooming gangs on national television, you should expect us to come to you.”
“Us” includes the satanic Chabad-Lubavitch sect. Chabad Lubavitch is associated with major organizations such as Save the Children, Boston Consulting Group, the Clinton Foundation and IJM – groups involved in a global child trafficking network recently uncovered in Guatemala.
This group instigates wars like the one in Ukraine in order to recruit children for human sacrifice.
The article linked below names the leading Satanists in Ukraine who have tortured thousands, if not hundreds of thousands, of men, women and children to death in satanic sacrifices. This is actionable information. These monsters will all be hunted down and brought to justice, starting with Vladimir Zelensky.
According to Mossad sources, the video below shows Zelensky being rewarded for kidnapping children and handing them over to the Zionists.”
These people not only start wars and torture children, but also spread epidemics to kill people and make money. The problem is that in the modern West, the sicker people get, the more money doctors and pharmaceutical companies make. So we need to change the system so that doctors and companies get richer as people get healthier.
Goldman Sachs talks about this when it asks in its biotech research report, “Is curing patients a sustainable business model?” Analyst Salveen Richter points to Gilead Sciences’ hepatitis C treatments, which cure more than 90% of patients. Their revenue, which peaked at $12.5 billion in 2015, has now dropped to $4 billion because all patients are cured.
That’s why companies like Pfizer gave us all the vaccines that cause cancer and then got into the cancer cure business.
Now they are literally getting into the epidemic business. This headline says it all:
“Scientists Behind AstraZeneca COVID Jab Rush to Develop Bubonic Plague Vaccine as Fears of the Next Pandemic Loom”
Here is another such headline:
“The UK government has ordered five million doses of bird flu vaccine to prepare for the possibility of bird flu spreading among humans.”
We have already reported that Bill Gates paid a certain Professor Hamaoka to develop a strain of bird flu that could infect humans, and now British taxpayers are giving Gates money for bird flu vaccines.
Here is another example:
“More than 70% of California’s dairy herds are now infected with the H5N1 bird flu.” Governor Gavin Newsom has declared a state of emergency. In response, the Department of Agriculture is conducting trials with vaccines for poultry and dairy cattle.
Also, the Bill Gates Foundation, in collaboration with the Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security and the World Health Organization (WHO), has run a simulation called “Catastrophic Contagion” that predicts a deadly pandemic in 2025. It is worth recalling that they ran a similar simulation immediately before the 2020 COVID-19 and vaccine mass murder campaign.
Furthermore, Gates literally hired a mass-murdering terrorist to head his WHO.
Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, who is not a doctor, was a member of the inner circle of the terrorist Tigray People Liberation Front, one of, if not the, most corrupt, brutal and genocidal regime to take hold on the planet in the last 30 years .
We hear that a death warrant has been signed for Bill Gates. We would prefer that he be tried publicly for war crimes to make an example of others, but in any case he is now a hunted man.
He has tried to bribe governments around the world to protect himself. That’s why the white hats must take away the KM’s greatest power: control of money.
As this illustration shows: “You must work the rest of your life for paper money that we create out of thin air and get you to borrow money from us, on which we then charge you interest and taxes.”

As further proof, here you can see Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernank testifying in 2009 that the Fed sent half a trillion dollars to other central banks and that he doesn’t know who got it. No one gave the approval and he says he doesn’t need approval. During the Covid scamdemic, more than $10 trillion was created this way.
Let that sink in.
You pay 30% of your check as federal
income tax
You pay 10% income tax in most states.
You pay an additional 7% in sales tax.
You pay an additional 8% in property tax.
55% of your check is deducted before you even get home from work.
Then they doubled the gasoline prices.
Then they doubled food prices.
Then they doubled the mortgage interest rates.
And then they give away all their money to other countries.
After decades of investigating how these people gained control of the money, it turns out that it is all based on fraudulent bonds from the 1930s backed by a fictitious treasure “somewhere in Asian caves” in collaboration with the controllers of communist China.
Now that they are losing control of the central banks, the KMs are desperately pushing cryptocurrencies. The problem is that people have seen through this scam too. Bitcoin is a case in point. It is now said to be worth countless trillions of dollars, but this is all fake. Bitcoin has three times less adoption and less usage for daily purchases than it did in 2020. Even these were Bitcoin pushers, pumping and dumping Bitcoin over and over again… and not using it for actual purchases… who wants to wait an hour for a transaction to complete? In other words, you can’t buy anything with it, so what is it worth? Nothing.
In summary, the battle for control of the world’s money will reach a crescendo of sorts around the time Trump takes power on January 20. It might be wise to stock up on basic commodities, because the people behind President Obiden may try to shut down US trade. The longshoremen’s agreement that has prevented US ports from closing expires on January 15. This is a sign that the US will no longer be able to buy from the rest of the world using Chinese-issued debt. The US should bite the bullet and go cold turkey. The alternative is eternal debt slavery to the Khazarian mafia.

KM = Khazarian Mafia => Deep State => Dark Cabal, etc.. (most Khazar Jews 'Zionist' elites, or "fake Jews")
Must of Ashkenazim Jews are descendants of the Khazars converted to the Jewish Talmud in the eighth century. ~ Benjamin Fulford.
Mote: Ashkenazim was a sub-tribe of the Khazars (West-Turks) expelled from central Asia by other Turkish tribes, due to violations of Turkish culture/rules.
- God the Source is unconditional love, not a zealous god of [some] dogmatic religions.
- All articles are the responsibility of the respective authors.
Social Media:
( Google deleted my former blogs & just 10 hrs after I post Benjamin Fulford's
February 6, 2023 report, accusing me of posting child pornography.(A Big Fat Lie) Also on Sep/13, 2024
February 6, 2023 report, accusing me of posting child pornography.
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