Tuesday, December 31, 2024

Now You Know the Answer

Now You Know the Answer

Part 1

By Steve Beckow

Posted on December 31, 2024

“The eyes of the multiverse are upon us.”

I wrote those words the other day and it occurred to me that we have more and more new readers as more and more people notice … something is happening. … Something!

But what?

It occurred to me that a common-sense description of what it is that’s happening right now, at a higher-than-street level, might be useful. I’ll footnote the references for further reading. (1) I apologize for its length.

This planet, when it was in the Third Dimension of consciousness, followed a temporal pattern of ages or yugas.  I said I’d keep it commonsensical (with references) so let me say we’ve recently left the Iron Age, Dark Age, or Kali Yuga and entered the Golden Age, Age of Aquarius or Sat Yuga. (2)

And we did so on Dec. 21, 2012.  On that day we left Third Dimensionality and began our gradual journey through the Fourth. (3)

It doesn’t mean that we’re in a Golden Age, bing bang, that’s it. Go walk on water.

It’s a gradual process.

What’s a gradual process? Our expansion in consciousness which “changes the channel” from Third to Fifth Dimensionality … or higher … as a result of a process both gradual and sudden that we call “Ascension.” It’s for the most part a gradual process. And then there are also sudden “snaps” or “ignitions.” (4) But I’ll leave that aspect of the story for another time.

Who’s we? We Lightholders and lightworkers. I’m a lightworker. This lifetime. Specifically, a writer.

What is Ascension? Jesus ascended. Buddha ascended. But they were avatars. Having descended from God, they ascended to God.

Ascension for all of us means an expansion of vibration to a more refined level or dimension, with enhanced capabilities and knowledge. It also means liberation from death and rebirth. It means the power of manifestation, space travel, on and on.

But what makes it all possible and is the predominant experience of all higher dimensions is the love that flows freely and endlessly there. On that I have written volumes. (5) And never tire of the subject.

Jesus and the Buddha ascended individually but only after shedding the physical body.

Moreover they passed through the dimensional world on their way back to the Mother/Father God who sent them. They would have passed through several dimensional worlds that had been closed to them until now (while incarnated), as they sped back to the One.

That’s the way it was. Are you with me up till here?

(Continued in Part 2, below.)


(1) A good place to start would be the Downloads Page: https://goldenageofgaia.com/2021/07/06/downloads-page/

(2) A good starting place for a study of the yugas would be Swami Sri Yukteswar Giri, The Holy Science. Los Angeles: Self-Realization Fellowship, 1984, available online at https://www.starcenter.com/holy-science.pdf.

(3) Matthew Ward: “Earth enters fourth density at the end of your year 2012.” (Matthew’s Message, Aug. 11, 2011, at https://matthewbooks.com.)

(4) For the curious, see Gateway to Higher Dimensionality. Vol. 3: Ascension Sudden and Gradual at https://goldenageofgaia.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/11/Gateway-to-Higher-Dimensionality-V3-R5.pdf

(5) Articles on love are everywhere; many were gathered together into one volume; many have not been incorporated: See Love Like We Never Imagined It to Be at https://goldenageofgaia.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/09/Love-Like-We-Never-Imagined-It-to-Be-R15.pdf

After being hit with numerous malware attacks, the Golden Age of Gaia now only links to its own sites.

Join Us in the Realm of How it Really Is

Join Us in the Realm of How it Really Is

Thymus: The Collective of Ascended Masters

Channel: Daniel Scranton

Posted on December 31, 2024

Credits: Reddit

Blessings. We are Thymus. We are the collective of ascended masters.

We love you, and we want you to know that and feel that, and we are very open to receiving your requests, your prayers, your offerings of all kinds, because we want you to feel closer to us, and we want to feel closer to you. And opening up the lines of communication will do that for you and for us. We are excited to get to know each and every one of you intimately. We are eager to see where the relationship can go, and of course, we know who you really are and we know how we relate to you on so many different levels, but at this time, with where you are right now, we can start something new with all of you.

We want you to feel closer to yourselves, closer to your souls, closer to Source. We want you to feel closer to whatever brings you more comfort, a greater sense of satisfaction, oneness, belonging. We want you to feel cared for. We want you to feel like there is an enormous amount of compassion and healing available to you at all times, because truly that’s how it really is, and we invite you to join us in the realm of how it really is.

The illusion is fun; the illusion is fine. The illusion is sometimes great and wonderful, but the truth of who you are and who we are, and how we relate to one another is beyond all of that, and sometimes it is good to experience what is beyond what you’ve been experiencing. And we know that, and we know the vast majority of you know that and feel that. Connection is real and separation is illusion. Oneness is real and living from the ego is temporary and false. You don’t really need a survival instinct. You don’t really need to feel better or worse than anyone else, not once you’ve awakened, not once you realize who you really are and that this is all a game that you are playing.

So it is time to shed all of that and step into more of the truth of our connection to you and your connection to all the beings and collectives that you could ever want to spend some of your time with. Everything is moving closer because this is the time of ascension, and that means it is the time of integration. It is the time of all of us moving closer to Source, closer to wholeness, to oneness, to the ultimate feeling of unconditional love. You’ve been taking baby steps for most of your lives, and baby steps are good, but gigantic leaps are available to you now, and we want to help you. We want to be there to catch you, to give you the stability on the new ground you find yourselves walking on.

We are here for you always, and there are myriad ways of calling out to us and connecting to us. We are the ascended masters, and we are where we are for you. We are here in the twelfth dimension because it is better for you to have a stable force that you can relate to in this dimension. And of course, as we have said many times, there are some of us walking amongst you as well. Connect and feel how good that feels. Don’t wait for a little voice in your head to feel connected. But rather reach with your hearts for us and for all who are dwelling in our dimension right now, because we are all here for you 24/7, 365 days a year. It is all happening now. Be with us and be with more of yourself. Behold yourselves anew, for you are the masters there on Earth. 

That is all for now. We are Thymus. We are the collective of ascended masters, and we are always amongst you.
Daniel Scranton

Directing Our Creative Realization

Directing Our Creative Realization

By Kenneth Schmitt

Posted on December 29, 2024 

credits: frasesdelavida.com

Through our powers of realization, we create the qualities of our experiences. Understanding how we come into realization of reality is a necessary process for resolving our limiting beliefs about ourselves. In our expressions as incarnated humans, we begin this process intuitively with our parents and care-givers. If we keep our pineal gland open as we mature, we expand our awareness into multidimensionality. If our pineal has calcified, we can use tamarind to clear it and open our awareness. Awareness is the beginning of realization. To expand our awareness, we must go beyond sensory impressions and logic and dive into our intuition. Intuition works with our imagination and inner feelings, in union with our conscience. It receives its impressions from the conscious life-force that enlivens us through the essence of our heart-consciousness.

When we can feel who we are in the eternal present moment, we may know our essence. This happens intuitively. We gain confidence that we are absolutely cared-for in every way and have no unfulfilled needs or desires. We are rooted in the present moment. Everything we can imagine happens in the present moment. When we can live as eternals in the present moment, we can have perfect health in perfectly-regenerated bodies, because this is what we can realize as reality. If we want to make this our reality, we can practice creating the vision and feeling ourselves living in it. By doing this, we train our subconscious mind to release its grip on fear and the potentiality of diminishment and death.

When we are focused intentionally on gratitude, love and joy in every moment, fear cannot enter our awareness and does not exist for us. Because everything arises from consciousness, which we control, we are creating moments that arise from the qualities of our focus of attention and are leading up to our realization of a greater reality. As we anchor ourselves in greatest love and joy, we align our vibrations with the consciousness that gives us life and everything we can imagine and more. When we open our receptivity in absolute confidence in our infinite essence and creative ability, every aspect of our lives becomes an energetic expression that enhances everything.

The more of our limiting beliefs about ourselves we can resolve and release, the closer we come to realizing the truth of our essence and our nature as fractals of the infinite consciousness that constantly creates us and everything in existence. It enhances our lives as we allow it. We are in complete control of our experiences through our power of realization, and our deprivation or fulfillment depends entirely upon our own beliefs about ourselves. There is a gigantic spectrum of possibilities for us to choose for our experiences.

Kenneth Schmitt
Click above for more on Kenneth web page.

Dive In!

 Dive In!

The Creator Writings

Channel: Jennifer Farley

Posted on December 31, 2024

The Universe will never make things overly complicated but, you may. Taking a simple change, task or thought and adding additional conditions could keep you from being bored but, it distracts from a real situation at hand. 

Take some time, dear child, to ponder why you are choosing this path and how you can change to make your life as free flowing as The Universe intended it to be. 

The new energy and new way will always be in your highest and best… release the distractions and dive into it!

The Creator

Extraterrestrial Presence

Extraterrestrial Presence

By KejRaj (KayRy)


Posted on December 31, 2024

Greetings to You! From heart to heart in this moment we speak, I am KejRaj!

The existence of extraterrestrials will become main news in 2025. It is a reality humanity must open up to.

The dark ones again will do what they can to create further distractions and instill fear relating to the presence of the Galatics.

They will also try to use the “alien” threat, and claim “we don’t know what we’re dealing with” when in truth the dark elite have known for millennia. It is precisely the US government which chose to collaborate with malevolent extraterrestrials in the 1950’s, instead of the benevolent extraterrestrial groups of the #GalacticFederationofLight.

There is nothing to worry about as far as extraterrestrials are concerned, much ash changed in the last twenty years. The forces of light with the Angelic realms are in control of the Earth and the Solar System. No malevolent ones are allowed to enter Earth’s atmosphere.

When you see “UFOs”, which in reality are IFOs(Identified Flying Objects), for the top governments of Earth’s nations know very well who they are, know that you are not seeing demons. You are seeing highly evolved beings of light

You can call them extraterrestrials, angels, higher dimensional beings, the purpose of their presence is to protect, and assist humanity to upliftment into a new realm of light referred to as the Fifth Dimension.



The current system has failed

The current system has failed

Por Peter B Meyer

Posted December 31, 2024

Big changes that benefit citizens will make living better for all.

People will be amazed at how quickly huge hurdles can be overcome with just a few sensible policies. Imagine what would happen if everyone paid a fixed low rate of income tax and all other taxes were abolished; corporation tax, national insurance, payroll tax plus all local taxes, levies, fines and fees.

Think logically

Many now realise that taxing, borrowing and spending does not create wealth and that the current system has failed. Real wages have now fallen so far that the wealth gap has widened many times over. The conspiracy between governments and banks is becoming clear, so radical changes are needed to put the economy on the right track.

Once people pay only 15% or less of their income, whatever the source, and all other tax loopholes for different business entities and different shelters and rebates are abolished, as everyone pays the same flat rate, then the sky will be the limit.

With gold-backed money, there is no need to put your money in a bank. All you have to do is keep it in your own vault.

A world of total freedom is your reward

The struggle to liberate planet Earth and humanity is coming to an end. Don’t give up now, but continue with increased energy. We are already in sight of the safe harbour, it is only a matter of sailing in to a world of prosperity, abundance and unlimited love. A world of complete freedom, wealth and happiness is our reward.

The truly awakened are now wondering if they are eligible for ascension to the new 5D world? It is expected that at least a third of the world’s population will be able to pass the final 5D test.

All incarnating souls now have an equal chance of taking the 5D test. Top scores are not required to pass, even mediocrity has a good chance of passing. The prerequisites are honesty, sincerity, openness to others and unconditional love for fellow human beings, animals and nature.

Be happy with your mind and your life, forget corrupt governments, they will be removed.

Some say that money makes you happy, but money only buys matter. Happiness and real wealth come from within, for example by making real things and providing services that are the opposite of debt. This needs no further explanation.

Behind the scenes, the Deep State oppressors’ house of cards has collapsed. Finally, more and more people are seeing the strings that connect the puppets to their conductors. These are the so-called elected politicians; the people can now see how the puppeteers are directed and posed, the conductors are no longer hidden in the shadows as before.

Everything that comes to us comes at the right time and in the right place, and it is the Cosmic Intelligence that is in charge of all movements in the infinite universe that is also determining the timing of the long-awaited breakthrough.

It’s all about intuition and logical thinking.

Consciousness is the password to enter the world of the 5th dimension. You have this key the moment your consciousness tells you: do it! or fail! In that moment you will be alone! No one will judge you or reward you. But you will feel it when it actually happens.

It is the end of an era! And the beginning of another. When people are in good health, the body is in complete harmony and is able to heal itself and increase its vitality.

Furthermore, measurements of the Schumann Resonance have finally revealed a frequency of exactly 7.83 Hz, which is even more interesting, this frequency applies to mammals, but is in the increase to 40 Hz for entry into the 5D world. This frequency transforms strange negative forces into positive energies through the body’s chakra system.

“Chakra” is a Sanskrit word that literally means “wheel or disc”.

To visualise a chakra in the body, imagine a spinning wheel of energy where consciousness and matter meet. It is believed that they are recharged by contact with the flow of cosmic energy in the universe.

Each chakra is associated with a specific gland, organ and body system, as well as a specific colour vibration frequency. In addition, each energy vibration has an important function in creating our energetic balance. These energy centres vibrate at different levels depending on the individual’s awareness and ability to integrate the characteristics of each into their life.

The openness and flow of energy through your chakras is necessary to become fully self-aware and live in harmony with your spiritual nature, creating physical, mental and emotional health.

Though, the majority of humanity is unable to activate the impulse in the higher heart by activating the 4th DNA strand that has been severed during the period from adolescence to adulthood; caused by chemicals in chemtrails and food that distort the DNA pattern over time; associated with the creation and spread of disease due to emotional and physical imbalance.

It is unnatural when an individual cannot activate the mind and cannot access the 4th strand of DNA; consequently the soul identity cannot be activated.

As a result the mind is unaware of why they have incarnated on earth, what their higher purpose is and cannot connect with or listen to their Higher Self; commonly known as intuition and logical thinking because the higher sense perception has not been activated.

Ascension, by definition, is the path of those who choose to consciously move to a higher level of Light. It can only be found when the consciousness is truly expanded enough to understand each lesson presented during successive incarnations.

The moment the inoculated majority discovers that they have been deceived by their government, worldwide liberation will become a reality.

There is no programme for ageing or death in the 5D world.

Here is information from higher and more advanced realms about upcoming events coming to planet Earth.

In our new 5D world there will be no programme for aging or death. Special abilities will become the norm as all 12 strands of DNA are restored to humanity.

When you reach what many consider to be the prime of life, your 30s, you will remain in that state and older people will begin to become progressively younger until they reach that mark.

This is because the full complement of 12 strands doesn’t contain the programming for aging into old age or death. Once the increase to 40 Hz for entry into the 5D world is passed.

As there is no 12 strand DNA programming for physical deformities, mental illness, temporary or chronic illnesses, allergic reactions, addictions, defective organs, reduced energy levels, loss of teeth or limbs, blindness, deafness or other sensory impairments.

Life in the fifth and higher densities has none of these conditions. All attitudes, ideologies and beliefs are aligned with the divine sovereignty of souls.

These forthcoming abilities will gradually emerge as these are your birth rights. They are ingredients of the Love Light energy composition of the soul. They include telepathic communication, manifestation through focused thought, levitation, teleportation, dematerialisation, astral travel and travel at the speed of thought, remote viewing and memories of various beginnings, in quantity and clarity.

When you feel that you have grown spiritually and consciously as far as life on Earth can take you, you can dematerialise your body and materialise in one that suits the advanced world in which you choose to spend your next physical life.

Be assured that this divine process of evolution has already begun and cannot be stopped.

With this knowledge, enjoy your life in full happiness, and is the best way to wish you a happy and healthy future with intense love for others.

The best possible start for all the new things that are to come!

Share this message …

Peter B Meyer

Sacred Moment at New Year’s Transition

Sacred Moment at New Year’s Transition

Archangel Michael

Channel: Asara Adams

Posted on December 31, 2024


Greetings, Beloved Ones.

We are sending you blessings of Love and Light, in this Now Moment, and we are inviting you to open your heart to our message for you…

Beloved One, on December 31st, you are crossing the threshold into a New Year.

This is a powerful moment, as you are able to experience a new beginning, a fresh start.

When your clocks strike 12:00am, your realities are suspended for just an instant.

In this sacred instant, just this one moment, you are able to leave your old self – you old concept of yourself – behind.

Then, you are able to step into a new version of yourself.

It is a new concept of yourself.

A new reality.

Oftentimes, people celebrate New Year’s Eve with much celebration, music, people, fireworks and so on.

The power of this one sacred instant, this moment, is often overlooked.

What if, instead, you would fully tap into this moment to create a new reality?

We can tell you that if you choose to become still instead of all the noise, all Realms of Light will be there with you to add their support to this process of entering a new reality.

This new reality carries a higher vibrational frequency to allow you to experience the profound Love of God/Source and to leave all beliefs of separation behind.

It will open the doors to re-unite you with Divine Love and Peace in all areas of your life.

Welcome Home.

We are walking beside you, every step of the way.

Dear Ones, you are loved beyond measure. Always.

I am Archangel Michael and I bring you this truth.

Asara Adams 


Situation Update 2024-12-28

Situation Update 2024-12-28

By COBRA ~ The Portal

Posted December 31, 2024

A huge breakthrough happened on December 21st, when one portion of Pleiadian fleet was able to permanently anchor itself in key postilions throughout the Agartha network, and in the stratosphere as cloaked ships above key surface locations. This is a very important key step towards the final liberation of the surface.

One part of this Pleiadian fleet will start attempting strong healing sequences to many Lightworkers and Lightwarriors, healing their inner child, their connection with the soul star chakra, healing their wounded heart chakra and connection between their heart chakra and sexual energy. The success of these healing sequences greatly deepens on how the anomaly will react, but there have been certain successes already:

Another part of this fleet will work with the planetary energy grid by activating energy vortexes around the planet and by upgrading the Tachyon chambers, cintamani stones and moldavites to the next level. At this point, more Tachyon chambers are needed on the surface of the planet to strengthen that grid.

Now Ascension process can finally begin again inside Agartha after long wait since 1996, and a group of Agarthans is scheduled to Ascend in 2025:

The Agartha network has fully activated their global system of underground tunnels that is roughly following Dragon leylines, connecting many underground Agarthan cities with high speed magnetohydrodynamic trains. Blue Dragon Agartha network has completely activated its main tunnel network that goes below Xian-Wuhan-Fuzhou-Taipei-Keelung-Kagoshima-Kyoto.

Here are some abandoned entrances into that tunnel network that were closed many decades ago:

This huge breakthrough was only possible because all negative Jesuit factions have been removed from the interplanetary space.

This has allowed the full return inside the interplanetary space of the Pleiadian fleet, the Silver fleet and many fleets of other cosmic races beyond the usual Andromedan, Aldebaran and Arcturian fleets that are already involved in the liberation operations. All those fleets are sending a strong network of ATVOR rays, effectively clearing the anomaly around planet Earth.

The only fleets not fully active yet are the Sirian fleet and certain parts of the Ashtar Command, both awaiting their full activation in the Solar system in 2025.

The Light forces have also cleared most of dark matter plasmoid beings that have invaded the Solar system in 1996 and were until now hindering the progress of the Light. These beings are made of axion dark matter plasmas on physical / etheric and astral planes, are neutral by themselves but become rabid when the Lurker subquantumly entangles with them:

With the big breakthrough on December 21th, the Light forces were able to clear the vast majority of dark matter plasmoid beings in the interplanetary space that is gravitationally coupled with the Sun. This now allows a huge intake of Light into the interplanetary space, which now finally became a Galactic confederation domain. All Secret space program entities were either removed from the Solar system or were forced to escape closer to Earth. Secret space program entities are not allowed by the Light forces to travel beyond L2 Lagrange point. The only Earth-based space vehicles allowed beyond L2 from now on are space probes of the public space programs.

L2 Lagrange point is the point where Earth gravity overcomes the Solar gravity and thus defines the edge of interplanetary space. Dark matter plasmoid beings that are gravitationally bound to Earth's gravitational well can not be fully cleared yet, and thus the Light can not yet fully penetrate closer to Earth than L2:

Dark matter plasmoids closer to Earth will be cleared in the subsequent phase of the liberation operations, allowing the Light to reach the surface:

This huge breakthrough has also precipitated to the surface of the planet to a small degree, in this brilliant move:

Meanwhile, here on the surface, the battle between Light and dark continues. The Zionist faction has started to pressure Trump with hidden nuclear weapons:

Most of the mysterious drones currently swarming USA are actually nuclear sniffers, trying to find those hidden nukes:

Some of the “drones” are plasma engine craft similar to TR3-B:

Those belong to Secret space program military factions and they are searching for Aldebarans that are emerging from their underwater and underground locations:

Some of the “drones” especially the spherical ones, belong to the Aldebarans:

Potentially concerning development is the strong influence of Christian Zionism on the incoming Trump administration:

Here I am allowed to post a cryptic remark that the Order of the Holy Sepulchre does not contain only great darkness, but also great Light:

Depending on Trump's free will and other factors involved, the situation can take a negative turn:

Or a positive one:

The critical time to determine this will be the second part of January.

Until then, you can enjoy this beautiful book:

Or participate in our conference in Kyoto:

You are also more than welcome to join our workshop in Phoenix in the beginning of February:

Victory of the Light!


Compiled by http://violetflame.biz.ly from: 

Your Fear Expectations Are Disappearing

Your Fear Expectations Are Disappearing

Life Tapestry Creations

Channel: Brenda Hoffman

Dated December 30, 2024

Dear Ones,

You do not believe all is well in your world or life.  That something will shift your life from bad to worse, as has happened time after time for the eons you have been preparing for this transition.

We of the Universes reassure you that the small blips of light you have experienced the past few days are merely precursors to your new reality. 

Some of you claim quite loudly that nothing has changed in your life – especially for the better.  We beg to differ, for all of you received some kind of indication that your life is changing and your long-held dreams are becoming reality.  Maybe it was something someone said, a gift you received, a change in your life approach, or a thousand other indicators you noted but did not accept as your new reality.

Even though you are no longer of 3D and fear is no longer your guiding light, many of you continue to look for fear instead of signs that your life is shifting to comfort and love.

Perhaps you found relatives or friends less accepting of new you than you anticipated during this holiday season.  You lost your job.  Or your significant other was transferred to a different community.  All changes that in the past would have been fearful.  Letting go of what was includes realizing that change merely indicates you are beginning a new life in your new world.  What was no longer holds your interest or fear.  It is time to move on, physically and emotionally, so something filled with love and joy can occupy that space.

Those of you who have not noted such dramatic changes, please know that your shift is more in accord with flow rather than new, seemingly harsh realities.

This is a time of change.  So what was once fearful has become freeing.  And what was once aggravating is the light of knowledge you previously refused to acknowledge. 

“It is all good” is your new phrase, which is the opposite of how you felt when 3D changes occurred.  Even sparkling 3D changes often created fears of, “How long will this last?”  “This is not exactly what I wanted, but I’ll make do somehow.”  “What if I do or say the wrong thing?”  “If I work (push) a little harder, I might be able to grab that golden ring.”  Change laced with fear, no matter how exciting that change initially seemed.

If you do not already, you will soon expect that any change is for the better.

Your fear world is gone.

Allow yourself to flow, knowing that you will move from one exciting adventure to another when it is right for you.  For some, your exciting adventure is where you are now.  Others will find it more interesting to jump from one adventure to another.  Accept this new freedom to express yourself without repercussions from society or your physical/emotional being, knowing that you will only move into areas of self-love and joy no matter how counter-intuitive that move might initially seem.

In 3D, you could make mistakes and often did, like accepting a relationship that was a learning experience instead of love.  Or a job that was right for your family but wrong for you.  Or living in a depressing environment. 

As a new being, there are no mistakes.  Even though that is difficult to believe, that is your new life.  So, allow your horizons to expand in areas you did not expect – or realize the value of your current experiences.

Allow yourself to fly, shift, walk into, and accept peace and joy.  That is your new life.  And if you cannot feel or sense any joy where you are, what if anything sparks your interest, or how can you shift your attention from ick to fun?

Allow yourself to flow and accept your new being because living in fear is no longer possible – unless you want to. 

So be it.
Brenda Hoffman
Copyright 2009-2023, Brenda Hoffman. All rights reserved. Please feel free to share this content with others, post on your blog, add to your newsletter, etc., but maintain this article’s integrity by including the author/channel:  Brenda Hoffman & source website link: