Friday, May 31, 2024

Coming Out of the Shadows

Coming Out of the Shadows

By Steve Beckow [Editorial]

Posted on May 31, 2024

He’s not worried. I’m not worried.

I’m not really disturbed by President Trump’s conviction. I’m writing because I hope you’re not worried.

It gives him the opportunity to draw attention to the court’s behavior, on appeal, and to indict presidents (most of whom are reported to have been executed).

It certainly gives us all another chance to watch corruption at work. And since we know who our allies are, (1) I don’t feel grounds for fear.

But there’s a really far-reaching principle at play here, that I’d like to draw attention to.

A person cannot have spent their adult lives raping children and worse, ridiculing and strong-arming political opponents, possibly assassinating them (eg., the Clinton body count) without it affecting their character.

That sounds too obvious to say, doesn’t it?

And yet I think of how some of the cabal have hidden lives of pure evil behavior and the nation adored them. Three immediately come to mind. Four. Five. Some of them I adored.

How could we have been deceived for so long and/or how could we have not seen through it?

And I’m not only speaking of top politicians, celebrities, and religious leaders; the extent of the corruption is staggering.

Meanwhile, many top players have been given tracking devices, released for a while to serve the Light, and reeled back in if they violated their agreements. Some of those players – politicians and celebrities –  are rumored to have been reeled back in and executed. (2)

President Trump is determined to drain the swamp, to see that all the evil behavior is gone. He’s forcing the Satanic, child-raping, child-slaughtering deep state to come out of the shadows. (3)

As he and the Earth Alliance have said for some time: “We have everything.” President Trump (and Presidents Putin, Xi, etc.) had enough on all world leaders for him to carry dossiers around the world in 2017 showing them their crimes. Some leaders wore their red shoes as a sign of submission. (4) Others (as with royalty) allowed the president to walk ahead of them.

The rumor is that most of them are gone and replaced by clones, CGI, masked actors, etc.

There is corruption on the Supreme Court and the Earth Alliance are using it to whitemail the justices involved – to keep them on the straight and narrow.

So I can well imagine that President Trump has allowed himself to be convicted by a corrupt court in a bogus case in order to show the world the corruption in the American judicial system and that appeal will produce even more humiliation for the cabal.

All of this is being done to unite the people – no, not in coming together and letting bygones be bygones. It’s too early for that, as admirable a goal as it may be.

Focusing on that right now does not support the men and women risking their lives to free the children.

What does support them is to unite the people in stopping the evil behavior on this planet that sees children be treated like an expendable commodity, to be bred, raised, and used for profit and then killed and discarded. (5)

With the state that the world is in now, with the deep state committed to killing off all but 500 million of us, we have nothing at the moment to celebrate, except the fact that we are putting an end to all of it.

The men and women who are below, on, and above planet, putting an end to evil behavior on Earth at the risk of their lives, depend on our rock-solid determination to end the reign of darkness here on Earth, now and forever.

If you’ll allow me to say it, this is the moment when we need to remain focused to ensure that not a trace of that evil remains behind. Behavior I’m talking about; not people.

Don’t hide from it, kick the can down the road, or distract attention. We need to free the children.


(1) “The Cabal’s Tin Toys and Party Favors,” 

(2) I say “rumor” because I don’t have time to keep a database on ephemeral matters; I’m more interested in the eternal. And I don’t have time to argue over sources.

But the news is out there.

(3) See Suzi’s article, below, “Jack Straw on X ~ It’s Official….,” at

(4) I don’t want to talk about the Red Shoe Club. Plain and simple. Google it. Hideous, revolting, disgusting. World leaders.

But wearing them was the Pope’s act of submission. By the way, Pope Francis was assassinated a few years back. According to Matthew, we’re watching a clone or masked actor. (Matthew’s Message, Feb. 3, 2021, at

We need to know what’s happening on this planet. Doesn’t mean I want to talk about it though. Pure evil is being done, I don’t care whose name it’s being done in.

(5) After their organs are harvested.

What we don’t realize is that, if our voice was united, the impact on the collective consciousness would be such that the result would be quick in coming. Matthew discusses the matter in relation to Ascension:

“Your world could be transformed into the Golden Age in the twinkling of an eye IF that belief and vision were in the collective consciousness, but it is not and so all the changes will be a process.” (Matthew’s Messages, Oct. 22, 2008.)

Steve Beckow

My note: I hope this is the real Trump, and no a double puppet. 


Compiled by from: 

My notes: 
God the Source is unconditional love, not a zealous god of [some] dogmatic religions.

Reminder discernment is recommended
from the heart, not from the mind
The Truth Within Us, Will Set Us Free. We Are ONE.
No Need of Dogmatic Religions, Political Parties, and Dogmatic Science, linked to a Dark Cabal that Divides to Reign.
Any investigation of a Genuine TRUTH will confirm IT. 
TRUTH need no protection.
Question: Why the (fanatics) Zionists are so afraid of any Holocaust investigations?

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