Wednesday, May 31, 2023

Celebrating Humanity

Celebrating Humanity

By Ansaluia, Goddess of Creation

Channel: Shelly Dressel

Posted on May 31, 2023

At the very beginning of this blog, the Goddess spoke about Ascension.  When I think over the years of the many, many times that we have talked about it, meditated about it, and experienced it; I know that there are many perspectives.  There can also be a difference from your perception as you are here, getting ready for the channel versus being in the All That Is.

When we arrived at the All That Is, there was a celebration going on.  It was like a fair, with music, people, exhibits, etc.  For me, my perception was more of a fair from the past not one with rides and such. The first thing we experienced was a person talking.  The Goddess asked us to look around at who was at the fair with us.  At first, I had a sense of a large group, but then I realized it was actually only about four or five people, all of whom were my soul family.  For me, the person speaking was Yeshua, talking about ascension and our various lives.  Your perception may be Yeshua or someone else.  But the intention was to understand how our lives interacted with one another and how that led to our soul’s growth.

There was then a sense of walking through the fair.  There was food, other people talking, and sometimes we were talking to others, kind of a lecture.  There was also an emphasis on just enjoying the day!!  As we walked there was music, food, laughter, dancing, and all the enjoyment of a fair.  It is a reminder to take time to have fun and be around those who are closest to us.

At the end of our ‘day,’ I realized that we all received information to help guide us on our path.  I also felt as if it was time for many to make changes in their lives and this gave them ideas of potential.  The true message though is that it’s done!! Are acre complete!  We are ascended.

Nama Sika, Venia Benya                    I AM the One, I AM the Whole

I greet you, beloved family! I reach out from my heart to yours I reach out at this now moment to create an alignment while you are here in your everyday reality.

I know that each one of you is on your own particular Journey of Ascension.  For some of you, this may be a journey that spans many, many years. For others, it is brand new.

Take this moment as you are breathing in and out and in your everyday reality and consider what Ascension means to you.  With the Christ energy or what is recognized as the anniversary of the Christ energy and his Ascension or Resurrection or howsoever you want to look at that it was an opportunity for millions and millions of people around the world to focus upon that potential of your everlasting soul or the fact that your soul lives on no matter what.

As you are living your life and the vibration or frequency that you emit as you live your days continues to rise, you are getting closer to alignment with your divinity.  In doing so you have the opportunity to create change in your life.  That may not have been possible previously, for the moment consider what that may be for you. Consider your Ascension.

Another way of looking at this, what just went through my consciousness, is just that your awareness. Are there things of which you are aware in this now moment that when you look back over the years you were unaware? Are there things happening in your life that you were seeking to manifest perhaps for a number of years and now it’s here?

The interesting thing about Ascension is that it is ever-changing.  That goes right along with the fact that you are ever-changing; in your consciousness, in your thoughts, in your beliefs, in all that you are, you are always in a pattern of change.  It makes me smile because some of you wish to ignore that you do not want the change you want to stay still and stay where you are.  That may be holding you back or that may be giving you a unique way of seeing how you can manifest the new and maintain what you have.

Take a deep breath down within your heart.  Create a ball of energy or light, you just envision it with your mind, and that energy of the chakra that is already moving creates that ball of energy.  You send it down through your solar plexus, your sacral, and your root centers it goes down into the Earth.  As it spreads out in every direction, take note of what Gaia feels like to you.  Feel how her energies are anchoring you.  Feel how in some ways her energies are strengthening you.

Once you feel that alignment, allow her energies to flow back up through that column of light to anchor within your heart.  I invite you to then send that up through your throat, your third eye, and your head center.  Allow your energy and focus to align with your higher self.  As you look around, what does it look like to you? As you are here within your higher self, I sense that some of you need to consciously open up your energy so that you may more fully perceive what is here with you.

Take this moment to just observe.  There may be certain items or experiences or things that are coming up for your awareness.  If your perception is that everything is very cluttered. Phew~~  Send a breath of energy and light through this space so that you may clear out anything that no longer serves you.

You then allow your focus to move even further up until you align with the Soul Plane.  Within this space, push out the boundaries of your consciousness even further so that you may align even more deeply with your soul essence.  Look through the eyes of your soul at all that is here.  Do you have a perception of Life Experiences?  Do you have a perception of things that would be in the past or the future as you tap into whatever it may be? Within your soul there is no linear time, there’s only that spiral in which all time-space reality may be accessed at the same time.

I the Goddess walk in and amongst each one of you.  As our energies merge together we transition into the All That Is.  Look around at the All That Is.  I’m not quite sure how to describe this you may discern in a different way, but this is a celebration that is going on.  It is a celebration for Humanity! You are still in those final phases of Ascension as far as the human race upon Earth, but the hardest experiences for the majority of people have been accomplished. There will still be challenges. There will still be people that currently are clueless who will awaken.  But for now, as you look around, there is a sense of a celebration.

There’s music that is playing, there’s entertainment, and it is as if you are arriving at what one might call a fair. However, this is different than what you remember.

First of all, look at the group of people that you are with.  Some of you may be there with your loved ones.  Some of you may be there with some of the Angels that have supported you all this time.  But if you will look closely, these are the people that are your deepest Soul connection. You may not recognize them in the now moment because they may come from other lifetimes. Open your heart and see who they are in a heart-to-heart connection.

As you move through this fair, you stop at whatever gathers your attention.  There are many places where you see; you might consider them Prophets, you might consider them Ascended Masters, Archangels; those that have been your guides in one form or another have people gathering around them.  As you stop there with your group of soul family, you will find that you’re exactly where you need to be.  As you listen to the words that are being spoken to you, some may be in a different language.  Some may be words you can completely understand. However, it is the energy and the frequency, and the flow that is truly communicating with you.

As you listen to these words you may find yourself transcending.  It is as if you are no longer in the fair but you are now in these particular locations that you as your soul family have lived.  If this seems abstract and as if you are not connecting then simply allow your energies to open up and just let your Consciousness relax.  As your guide is speaking with you about these experiences, whatsoever they may be, you have an opportunity to discern perhaps the influence that you had on the others or the influence that they had upon you.

You will receive whatever it is that you need in this moment. Or whatever it is that you need as you are moving forward from this point on.

At some point, you find yourself back in that fair.  You wander around, you’re listening to the music, perhaps eating some food.  You are processing whatever information you just received.  You find yourself drawn in another direction. Once again, there is a group of people. These may still be your soul family or they may be others. They may be different people that have had an influence one way or the other upon your life.

You sit quietly, you listen as other people are talking.  There may come a time when you yourself begin to speak.  As you speak, you notice that those around you are paying attention to what you say.  You may not have realized that others would enjoy hearing what you have to share. In your everyday life, it may seem as if you have nothing to share. But the truth is every one of you have knowledge, information, energy, and compassion that you can share whatever the situation may be.

The discussion goes on as long as it needs to.  When you are ready, you find yourself once again walking through the fair perhaps with your same group, perhaps with new people.  Take note of how your perception of this celebration may be changing.  Celebrations occur in so many different ways! Perhaps you are performing, perhaps you are painting, or creating something.  Allow your creativity to come up within you and then express it howsoever you choose.

Are you utilizing skills that you did not know you have? Are you looking around at the people in and around you and perhaps looking through new and different eyes?  The rise in your vibration and frequency creates new situations for you.  Here as we are celebrating humanity and all the glorious and interesting things that you have experienced, is the perfect time to open up and ask what new potentials are available for me.

As you wander through this celebration, look around and you may meet other people or perhaps receive information that will help to open up your consciousness so that you may know what is in your best interest at this now moment.

Very interesting. As I looked at you, as I made that statement, for some reason I saw a lot of you sink as if your vibration just dropped.  If you felt that, then ask yourself what do I need to release.  What may be anchoring me in the old energy?  It is helpful to be conscious of it, but even if you are not, whew~~ Let It Go. I saw many of you bounce back up.

I wonder if as I speak about new potentials or new opportunities this is perhaps something that you have always wanted or it has been important for you to manifest and now it’s here and it brings up fear or anxiety.  Whew ~~ Clear it out.

Continue to meander through this fair or this celebration.  Once again pay attention to those that are around you perhaps friends and family, perhaps new people that you are just encountering. Be open, be open to whatever the experience is for you.

When you consider what brings you Joy or lifts your heart or makes you feel good in any given moment; what is that for you? Look around at the many ways that you are able to manifest whatever that may be.

As you look out, let me shift that a minute.  You allow your consciousness to come to a place where it is the conclusion of your day at the celebration. You have that feeling of being tired but also being fulfilled.  You have that feeling of contentment or perhaps completion because it was a day well spent.

As you look around, take a moment to just be present within yourself and then allow for everything to wash through your consciousness.  You may have received a lot of information, you may have seen yourself differently in what you have to share with others, or you may have just been in a place of enjoying life and enjoying yourself. How often do you do that in your everyday life?  And you sit here quietly allowing it to just move through you.

Receive whatever messages may be present for you shifting them from what is unconscious into what is conscious.  As you look around, the All That Is has transitioned once again into a place of pure energy.  You may notice sparkles of light; you may notice interwoven threads of color and energy. Allow your senses to shift up into an even greater sensitivity or perhaps activating that which has been dormant in you.

Take a deep breath in and breathe out.

I invite you to come back together as a group.  You may notice that this group continues to transition, especially after tonight’s celebration.  What you may notice are more of your soul family is gathered around you, but everyone is sending that energy of Celebration of excitement of potentials. It’s just moving throughout everyone that is gathered.  You see coming up within that the Hologram of the Earth.  Send into the hologram the celebration of humanity.  You send your experience and there is also this overriding sense of celebrating being on Earth for this Ascension.

The Hologram takes on this energy it’s as if it has sparkles and light. There’s that aspect that goes out into the universe and then the remainder goes down returning into the physical Earth. It moves throughout the energy that surrounds the Earth and it goes down into the center. It goes down into the center, it goes down and anchors within the crystals within the space within Gaia as she connects and anchors this with you.

Everything then reverses, coming back out through the many layers of the Earth.  Your own comes up through that column of light that you had linked with Gaia but it is also coming up through the water the grass the trees it is coming up and being made available to anyone that is ready and in the vibration and frequency of Ascension.

You allow the remainder of your own Consciousness to come back down you move through the Soul Plane you allow it to flow back within you in the space in which you are. As you anchor this energy, take a moment and expand your physical awareness so that you may take in everything that occurred during this journey. You are also integrating the essence of Gaia.

The experience that we spoke about this evening was celebrating Humanity.  When you consider that in your life, be open to what that may bring to you. If you wake up in the morning and put forth an intention ‘I am going to celebrate life today, I’m going to celebrate Humanity today, I’m going to celebrate ……’ you can fill in the blank, whatever it is today.

When you live your life from a perspective of Celebration, you are living your life with a potential to be open, to be in a flow, to be in the movement for all that is taking place. You have arrived! And I am so very pleased for you beloved.

Know that I am ever with you.


Shelly Dressel

This is Shelly Dressel channeling the Goddess of Creation; the feminine aspect of source essence, for the free teleconference offered on the first and third Sundays of each month. All rights are reserved. You are welcome to share this information; we just ask that you keep it intact. For further channels and information on both the Goddess and Shelly please see our website:

Planetary Gridwork Update

Planetary Gridwork Update

By Natalia Alba

Posted on May 31, 2023

During this harmonic phase of our ascension journey, many of us are going to be immersed in a phase of planetary restoration and clearing.

The energies from the 6/6 portal, will assist us in the planetary gridwork that we are accomplishing, at this time, and that requires all of our energy and devotion. Energies that represent the opening and stabilization that many of the Earth’s portals, pillars,  and fabrics are having at this time.

The 6/6 passage is one of profound harmony and peace, one that we can align with to send and anchor more love, for there are many who are willing to receive. As Earth’s anchors, gridworkers, stabilizers, and many other roles within Creation, our main task is to seed love in the way we can, which begins by healing ourselves first, rehabilitating our DNA to bring back our original essence, and true potential, so we can expand in our global mission.

This will be a time when looking after our bodies and personal energy field, is of utmost importance, or we could not be able to bear the complexity of all the work that is now required of us, as planetary workers.

There are, as I previously shared, important advancements made in the non-physical field or energetic grids to continue restoring the 3D-manipulated Earth’s gates, grids, and fabrics. At this time, Guides asked me to share a specific location – Iraq – for all who wish to send love, as independently of our personal and global mission, we all can, in our unique way, send love to help in the current planetary mission of restoration that is taking place.

Iraq is one of the key locations at this time, together with South Africa, and Egypt, for us to focus, send love, or work in further ways if this is your personal mission. As I always say, we need to know ourselves, and our unique purpose, and accept the role that God gave to us, for when we try to be something else, we are not assisting with our precious energy. Honoring our unique essence and abilities is honoring God’s Source, this is why it is so important to get to know ourselves, and our unique mission.

Iraq is being cleared and healed of all the war memories, since March, as this is an ongoing process. There is a massive clearing of 3D mental slavery programs, war memories, and many other issues taking place in the land, and energetic space, that impede the fifth-dimensional crystalline unity consciousness to being properly anchored, as well as the natural evolution of humanity, and the many species that too reside in it.

Non-benevolent tactics that have been going on for many years in this country and that still continue, but that is beginning to be restored now. Guides share the importance of restoring this Earth’s portal, as one of the most important ones holding the masculine principle, for humanity has lived immersed for eons now in a patriarchal society, distorting the masculine essence, and hence, repressing the feminine, and it is pivotal to being transmuting, clearing and healing this old pattern.

It is time now for All to unite as One, focusing on all the Earth’s new openings that are taking place, despite all the chaos that we too may see, for we live in a world of polarities, which is what gives us the opportunity to experiment this realm, for we shall understand the purpose of both.

We, as souls who have chosen to only serve God’s Source, are here not to judge, but to love, respect, harmonize, heal, clear, and restore, for all of our efforts, energy, life force, and intention shall not be in what others are doing, but in what we can do to serve All, within Divine love, discernment, and compassion, through neutral witnessing.

Thank you for your precious assistance, Beloved Ones.

Within Infinite Love,

Natalia Alba

Welcome to the Great Awakening

Welcome to the Great Awakening

By Saint Germain

Channel: James McConnell 

Posted on May 31, 2023


I am Saint Germain. I come to be with you at this time in these great times of change, in this time of the Great Awakening which was spoken of earlier in your discussion. The Great Awakening that is indeed upon you now, upon all of you now.

But it is not only the Earth. It is not only Gaia that is in this great awakening, but it is the entire solar system, and even out into the galaxy that is in this awakening process, this ascension process.

You are all moving through it at your own various paces, some faster, some slower. But you are all gaining momentum as you continue to move on, move on leaving the third-dimensional illusionary expression behind. And that’s what this time is all about, this time of great change, and the changeover that is occurring, as you move through this transition more and more.

And yes, indeed, it can look like it is difficult times ahead. And if you see it that way, you will create it that way. But if you see the beauty in front of you, if you see Gaia in all of her pristine glory moving into the fifth-dimensional empire, and all of the people that are ready to move along with her. If you see it that way, then that is the way it shall be for you. And if it is that way for you and many, many more of you, then it becomes that way for the collective consciousness as well. So more and more will become a part of this great awakening. If they haven’t already, they are destined to become a part of  it.

And yes, indeed, there will be some that will refuse this, or that will not accept the light. And as you have heard many times, those that shall not accept the light will be consumed by the light. And that is their choice. And it is not for you to be concerned about. You be concerned about yourself in your own great awakening, and your own personal ascension. And again, it’s you are concerned about your own personal ascension. Then the collective consciousness becomes the part of that. But one leads to the other, and to the other, and to the other, and so on, and so on, until higher consciousness has spread completely across the planet. The old programming, the old memories that are no longer needed or forgotten, and you can move on beyond the veil, the veil of forgetfulness, but to forget no longer.

For you shall remember. You shall remember fully who you are and why you are here, and what this is all about.

Your questions shall be answered, as you are ready to receive those answers. So always, whenever you are in the process of the question, ask the question. Do not hold back, ask and you shall receive. That is the way it works. If you do not ask, you do not receive. If you do not ask to have our presence, then you do not receive our presence. But, if you do ask to receive our presence, then we are here with you, just as your I AM Presence is always with you when you are aware of it. So practice that. Practice that each and every day, each and every moment that you think about it, about the I Am Presence within you. That it is the awakening that is happening within you, as consciousness continues to spread within yourself and throughout others. And the consciousness that is connecting, not only you with another human beings, but you with the animals and the plants, and the valleys, and the rivers, and the oceans connecting all the mountains, connecting all as one. For it is indeed, all is one, and one is all. Always remember that as the ascension process kicks into higher gear now as you are moving forward. And freedom, freedom is within your grasp, again, individually and as a collective.

So reach out, my brothers, my sisters, reach out for that freedom, that sovereignty that is a part of your expression, a part of your life, if you allow it to be. You are born free. You are meant to live free. So be that freedom within you. And trust, trust in the plan as it continues to weave its way through the many different detours that it finds along the way. Freedom indeed is there in front of you. And you all shall be free.

I am Saint Germain. I leave you now in peace, and love, and oneness. And, as always, that the Violet Flame continues to purge out the old programming. And remember: “forgive, forget, and move on”. 

Tuesday, May 30, 2023

Why the US has to go Through Chapter 11 Bankruptcy

Why the US has to go Through Chapter 11 Bankruptcy

Geo-Political Report

by Benjamin Fulford

Posted on May 29, 2023


Sometimes, when I write a story, it gets convoluted and loses direction. No matter what I do, I only end up digging a deeper hole. When this happens, the only option is to delete the whole thing and start all over. This is a good metaphor for what passes off as government in the United States.

The waste and corruption have gone on for so long that the privately owned UNITED STATES OF AMERICA CORPORATION has about $250 trillion in unfunded liabilities (according to the St, Louis Fed and others) above and beyond the $31.5 trillion in debt that is now in the headlines. Since US GDP is $23 trillion, it is like someone earning 23,000 dollars a year having 280,000 in debt. Such a person is bankrupt because they have to go deeper into debt just to make interest payments.

Despite this, the Rockefeller family and their “Joe Biden” fake government are doing everything in their power to kick the can down the road yet again. This is exactly what the Chinese want because it will mean the US will sink deeper into debt and never again become their rival.

To understand just how dysfunctional the US government is, let us look at the Pentagon as described by Colonel Douglas MacGregor:

We have on active duty now 44 four stars for a force of less than 1.1 million. During world war 2 we had 12.2 million men and 7 four stars. The most professional people are at the lower levels, the least professional are at the top. This is part of the rot, the corruption the waste, The whole department is a catastrophe; you can’t even audit it. The money goes from the Treasury to Congress to the various defense contractors and then it shows up again in the form of donations. The US is run by donors.

Aircraft carriers are an example of how this money is being wasted. The US has 11 aircraft carrier groups. They were state-of-the-art 75 years ago, but are white elephants now. The Chinese military just ran 20 war games where they concluded they could destroy the most modern US aircraft carrier group with just 24 hypersonic missiles.

This means aircraft carrier groups are now just parasites that weaken the US by draining its’ finances to the tune of $26 billion a year.

Another parasite is NASA (Not A Space Agency) which turns out to be nothing more than a movie studio with a $32 billion a year budget.

The money could be better spent, for example, by creating submarines that can also fly (something the Germans figured out towards the end of WWII).

This sort of waste and misdirection is true right across the whole spectrum of US government. For example, the US has 50 states that each have their own bureaucracy and can obstruct the nation as a whole.

The WDS proposal is to reduce this to five administrative regions for the United States of North America:

  1. West Coast hippie land from Alaska to Northern California.
  2. Greater Texaco ranging from Southern California to Texas
  3. Dixieland from Louisiana to Virginia.
  4. The East Coast from Maryland up to Ontario (with special autonomy for French-speaking Quebec).
  5. The greater mid-West starts with Arkansas and includes Alberta, Saskatchewan, and Manitoba.

This is just a taste of the sort of things that would become possible once the criminal, privately-owned USA INC is bankrupted and rebooted as the Republic of the United States of North America. 

There can be no doubt the American and Canadian people are sick and disgusted with their current KM puppet regimes.

Two-thirds (66%) of all Americans say a Biden (Rockefeller) victory would either be a setback or a disaster for the country according to a CNN poll

The attached video shows “Joe Biden” disappearing into the White House with two children. Nothing to see here folks. “Just ole fake masked Pedo Joe doing his thing.” 

Video Player

For the latest “Biden” mask malfunction check here:

This Biden show is run by a Rockefeller media regime that is considered “truly the enemy of the people,” by 59% of Americans.

To see why the media is the enemy of the people, take a look at this short video on Twitter.,

In Canada too, the fake Castrudeau is so hated he cannot appear in public without being harangued. Hats off to this Canadian who gives Castrudeau a piece of his mind. He says it like it is. Keep it up.

Despite popular disgust at their rule, the Khazarian Mafia is fighting tooth and nail to keep their corporation afloat. They have called in all their blackmail and bribery cards.

For example, they seemed to have forced Al Gore to spout “Greenhouse gas emissions are the equivalent to 600,000 Hiroshima-sized nuclear bombs every day! & it’s boiling oceans & making us racist!”

More to the point, they appeared to have arm-twisted House Speaker Kevin McCarthy to go along with plans to “raise the debt limit.”

Any agreement would mean that behind the scenes they used a combination of nuclear blackmail and extravagant promises to get more funding from creditors like the Chinese. For example, Rockefeller bagman Heinz Kissinger even offered to replace English with Chinese as the official language of the United States in exchange for more money, according to Asian secret society sources.  

Mass murderer Kissinger has also now played his hand and revealed the blackmail strategy he and other KM slaves came up with at their recent Bilderberg meeting.

“US speech about nuclear war is becoming louder and louder and it is somehow mixed in with talk about how aliens are here…it is like they are planning some sort of massive negative energy sacrifice,” an FSB source warns.

The FSB also said Kissinger told Russia he is planning to go to Ukraine in October in order to replace Vladimir Zelinsky with a new puppet. This puppet would then offer a North/South Korea-type solution to freeze the border and keep Western Europe under KM control.

Zelensky has to go because it is now common knowledge he worked with Evgeny Prigozhin of Russia’s Wagner private military group to murder hundreds of thousands of Ukrainian men. Ukrainian soldiers died within 4 hours of arriving at Bahmut because Zelensky gave the exact artillery coordinates to his KM counterparts at Wagner, FSB sources confirm.

In a sign of the genocidal mentality of KM slave politicians, Republican U.S. Senator Lindsey Graham called the death of Russians and Ukrainians the “best money we’ve ever spent” during a meeting with Zelensky.

This is now being stopped. Wagner has been ordered to leave Bakhmut and transfer control to the Russian army by June 1st. This is the result of a joint Russian/Anglo agreement to stop the KM genocide in Ukraine.

The outed Prigozhin, in a hissy fit, warns Russia could face a “revolution” and lose its war in Ukraine unless the country’s “elites” fully commit to the fight and put the country “into North Korea mode,” with martial law imposed, to achieve results on the front lines. Instead, we are hearing Prigozhin is going to be taken out if he hasn’t already been.

There is also definitely something wrong with the Avatar Zelensky. He looks coked out or is malfunctioning.

Look at his eye. 

In any case, the so-called Ukrainian war is mostly the USA INC selling off its weapons stockpiles in order to buy more time. Three-quarters of the material sent from the West to the Ukraine was diverted to Kosovo and Albania to supply other theaters of operation, in the Middle East and the Sahel.

Serbian Christian troops are now going into Kosovo to stop the KM illegal arms, slave, and drug trade taking place there. That is why Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic said on Friday his country has gone on war footing over the situation in northern Kosovo.

In any case, the war has been a PR disaster for US arms industry. The Russian Air Force has shown that the most advanced American weapon system, the Patriot, can be destroyed at any time – a serious blow to the marketing of the production company and, in general, to the military-industrial complex, Polish intelligence sources note.

Now a fire sale of F-16 fighters is likely to further confirm the bad reputation of US INC weapons. “We have SU-35s capable of shooting down more advanced airframes than F-16s [including F-35 “flying turkeys”] at long range. Furthermore, our pilots can detect them long before they are discovered. There are also effective anti-aircraft missile systems capable of shooting down enemy targets from a long distance,” a Russian arms expert notes.

As their conventional weapons flop, the KM has also been carrying out a huge fake news nuclear blackmail operation involving Belarus. To carry this out, Belarus President Alexander Lukashenko was hit “using the same electromagnetic weapon they did on [Turkish President Recep] Erdogan and [Mexican President Lopez] Obrador,” according to Mossad sources. There was then an attempt to use a fake Lukashenko to say things like “Countries should join the union of Belarus with Russia, that’s all: there will be nuclear weapons for everyone.” Notice the “Pravda” article where he says this appears on the Ukrainian .ua internet and is not from Russia.

This is followed by the Mossad propaganda site Debka quoting Russia’s ex-president Dmitry Medvedev as saying “If it comes to nuclear weapons, there will have to be a pre-emptive strike.”

Although they have been scrubbed from the internet, we have seen photographs of Medvedev making the Satanic hand sign. It appears he is now being ordered to try to start their long-awaited Armageddon with a KM nuclear attack to blame on “Russian-controlled Belarus.”

This is all KM disinformation and no nuclear attack is going to come from Belarus, our FSB sources confirm.

In other words, it is just nuclear blackmail aimed to extort financing for the US INC. It is just a bluff because the KM know full well if they try to start a nuclear war, the first mega bombs will hit their headquarters in Geneva, New York and Tel Aviv.

We are also hearing a major purge of the KM is taking place inside Russia. That is why Russian Defense Minister Sergey Shoigu said “Today, we are being confronted by the collective West, which, in effect, is waging an undeclared war on our countries,”

It appears Russian Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin is the new de facto leader of that country. He just led a high-level Russian delegation to talk with Chinese President Xi Jinping and Chinese Prime Minister Li Qiang.

One thing they certainly talked about was, as Hungary’s Prime Minister Viktor Orban says “there has to be a new European security accord with Russia”.

Most Europeans agree. In the latest sign of this, thousands of anti-war protests took place in Sofia and other Bulgarian cities calling for the neutrality of their country, non-participation in armed conflicts and the closure of NATO bases.

By the way, if you do not think the current EU is run by Satanists, take a look at what appears when you fold their new bills.

The battle against the Satanists is raging elsewhere too. The government of Islamic Azerbaijan, for example, has stopped a KM plot to fool them into fighting Christian Armenia. Now, their government says they will not allow the Zionist regimes to attack Iran from its territory, according to Iranian sources.

In Turkey, President Recep Erdogan has won another five years in power. It appears Turkish nationalists replaced the murdered Erdogan with an avatar who works for Turkey and not the KM. He certainly looks younger.

“Recep Erdogan’s victory is clear evidence of the Turkish people’s support for your efforts to strengthen state sovereignty and pursue an independent, foreign policy,” Russian presidential Avatar Vladimir Putin said, according to the Kremlin website.

In Israel meanwhile, tens of thousands have swarmed the streets in several cities for the 21st week in a row in protest at Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s far-right cabinet and its extremist policies.

Looking elsewhere in the world, we note South Africa is facing rolling power blackouts, organized gangs targeting rail infrastructure connecting the nation’s wealthiest province with a top container port and other problems that mean the country could become a “failed state.”

In Pakistan, meanwhile, former Prime Minister Imran Khan is being held under house arrest by the army as the country hunkers under undeclared martial law.

Speaking about martial law, US military personnel will soon be landing in Peru where the military has carried out widespread attacks against protestors with “extrajudicial executions “and “widespread use of lethal ammunition” earlier this year, while trying to contain mass protests that started in December 2022. This is a naked Rockefeller resource grab at the expense of the Peruvian people.

Speaking about the Rockefellers, their terrorist employee Tedros of the WHO (World Harm Organization) is spreading fear porn again by threatening a disease “deadlier than Covid,” These threats are “coming from all directions now, as the KM is in panic mode,” a Mossad source notes.

By the way, the Rockefeller Foundation has come out to say publicly they are connected to the WHO:

GENEVA, May 23, 2023 /PRNewswire/ — The Rockefeller Foundation and the World Health Organization (WHO) have announced a new partnership to strengthen the WHO Hub for Pandemic and Epidemic Intelligence.

From the same sources we learn that “analysis of dust from a patio table in Berlin after suspicious rains like those in Poland recently… It is not pollen from trees but metals and toxins.”

As Croatian MEP Mislav KolakuÅ¡ić says of the WHO pandemic deal, “It would be healthier and safer for humanity to sign a deal with the Colombian drug cartel.”

If they dig a little deeper, they would soon uncover the web of foundations the Rockefellers are using to control this whole shit show.

They are also behind the whole LGBQ movement etc. that is trying to end reproductive sex between men and women.

The most recent example is the Rockefeller-controlled American Medical Association, which requires that a child’s sex should not be recorded on a birth certificate because you don’t know the sex until the child later determines it himself.

In any case, the Russians and Middle Eastern countries are working to cut off the Rockefellers’ control of the oil and energy markets. So Saudi Arabia is grabbing millions of barrels of Russian diesel that Europe no longer allows, while at the same time sending its own supplies back to buyers in Europe.

Europeans also turn a blind eye when India sells them Russian oil.

Another sign of how much the Rockefellers’ control over energy has set back human progress is a jet that can fly at Mach 5 simply by absorbing hydrogen from the air.

Let’s take a look at the latest information on Operation Blue Beam.

The first was sent by a contact in Russia who said, “Take what it’s worth to you.”

A special way of transporting an airplane

Next we have:

1. UFO over Thailand

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2. UFO over Roswell, New Mexico USA 2023

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3. UFO over an airport

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4. UFO exposure over Russia

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5. UFO over the mountains of California USA

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6. Several plasma energy ships over France 01-04-2023

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7. Numerous plasma energy ships over Oregon USA 12-05-2023

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8. Red sun over Calgary due to the big Alberta fires

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9. Similar red sun in New York.

10. Mendenhall Glacier Alaska anomaly of 2019

When the US finally goes bankrupt next week, perhaps the truth about all of this will emerge. Fingers crossed that USA INC finally goes bankrupt and keep your powder dry if it doesn’t.


Benjamin Fulford

[This is the full update]

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