Sunday, April 30, 2023

We’re Giving You Channeling Attunements

We’re Giving You Channeling Attunements

The 9D Arcturian Council
Channel: Daniel Scranton

Posted on April 30, 2023

we are giving you channeling attunements - the 9d arcturian council - channeled by daniel scranton

Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We are always on the lookout for new recruits, for individuals who want to work with us. There are many ways in which you can work with this particular Arcturian Council, because we are nonphysical now, and so we do work with so many in the astral plane, and we also are channeled through other humans, besides this one, but we can also work with you on projects that you come up with. 

When you have an idea there on Earth for a new business, for example, you might then go to a venture capitalist to get some start up money. When you want to help humanity raise its level of consciousness there on Earth, you come to us for a unique cocktail of energies that will help you do just that. If you have ideas for making life better there on Earth for everyone, you can also come to us, and we can pull some nonphysical strings to get your ideas off the ground and running. 

We want to work with you. We love to teach you and tell you what’s going on, but we are really interested in collaboration, and we are always seeking out more channelers for our energy, more who want to speak for us in the way Daniel here does. You can do this, and the world needs your voice, because each of you will voice us differently because you are different, and that is okay.

It is the combination of you and your physicality and us and our nonphysical nature that makes something new and something powerful, and you are getting closer and closer to being able to channel us every time you receive one of these messages, because these messages are infused with energies that attune you, energies that make you that ideal candidate to work with us more closely, more directly. And we will be more likely to come through someone who wants to be of service, who is pure of heart. 

And so, as you continue to work on yourselves, you also make yourselves better conduits for us and our unique vibrational signature. So you see, you can work with us in myriad ways, and we are open to all proposals. We love hearing from each and every one of you, and we look forward to the day when more of you can hear, or at least feel, our replies. 

We are always working, always looking for an angle to get in, to merge with the consciousness of another human being, because we know we can help, and because we know humanity needs as much help as you can get. It’s time for humanity to reach out and to reach within for that which is of a higher level of consciousness. You all can make such a huge impact on your world, just by sitting and closing your eyes, breathing and opening up to beings and collectives that feel like love, like Source, like higher-frequency energies raining down upon you. 

We are not alone. You can channel Pleiadians, Sirians, Andromedans, Ascended Masters, Archangels, and so many others who just want to help. We are all here for you to co-create with and to play with, and we consider you our friends and our colleagues, down there in the trenches, doing the hard work. And we want to assure you that all of that hard work will be rewarded. 

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.
Daniel Scranton 

Nocturnal Adventures

Nocturnal Adventures

By Owen Waters

Posted on April 30, 2023

Other than a few remembered dreams, our nighttime slumbers seem to be one big twilight zone of consciousness where nothing much happens at all.

Nothing could be further from the truth!

A curtain of forgetfulness is drawn across our consciousness each time we awake from sleep. What really happens at night is actually more vivid, more alive, and more real than anything that happens during the day in the physical world.

At night, we travel in a more subtle world than the physical one. Human consciousness has many ‘bodies,’ or shells of consciousness, each of which functions at a different level of awareness. The more dense bodies used by each human being are the physical body, its etheric energy counterpart, and the astral or spirit body. The less dense ones begin with the soul ‘body,’ which is a nonphysical field of consciousness that exists beyond the limitations of time and space, and then go on up the frequency scale of consciousness from there.

To understand where these bodies fit into the grand scale of universal consciousness, realize that there are 12 density layers of consciousness. Some people refer to the different density layers as ‘dimensions.’ As physical beings today, we exist in third density and are in the process of transitioning into fourth density. Fourth density has been traditionally the home of the spirit realms. It still will be after The Shift to higher consciousness has been completed, but the spirit realms will move up to higher sub-layers within fourth density as the physical realm moves in.

The spirit realms are referred to in the plural as there are many sub-layers of consciousness within fourth density. The spirit or astral realms are also known as the afterlife. They vary from the lower astral realms, through the highly-populated middle realms, and on into the higher astral realms or heavens.

When you eventually pass on from the physical realm, as we all do eventually, you will find yourself located in the exact spirit realm that corresponds to your normal frequency of consciousness. If you have strong issues to resolve, they will hold you back a little until you have worked through them by a process of integration. The whole experience of the afterlife is dedicated to the integration of whatever issues of separation were generated during a person’s physical lifetime. If they became polarized against a particular person, i.e. grew to hate them, then they will learn to see the situation from a higher perspective and heal that issue of separation through the forgiveness of themselves and the other person. Then, as the healing of any issues occurs, they rise higher in consciousness within the spirit world.

The mentality of 3D (the third density physical world) is SEPARATIVE in nature and 4D (the fourth density spirit world) is INTEGRATIVE, or healing, in nature. 3D resonates to the human solar plexus energy center, with its mental development and its competitive nature, while 4D resonates to the heart.

The higher aspect of heart consciousness is the first stage of spiritual awareness. It is here that, as a principle, the good of the many is recognized as being more important than immediate benefits to the self. This leads to a sense of service where the person wants to help ensure that the best is available to everyone.

This is the foundation of a world which is supportive rather than competitive. In such a world there really is more for everyone; much more, because the energy that was spent in competition against others is now funneled into productive work.

At night, when you leave the awareness of your physical body behind, it is not because your brain has shut down for the night. It is because your attention has shifted into your spirit body. Your spirit body rises out of your physical body and prepares to begin your nocturnal adventures.

Next week, we’ll take a tour of the spirit world and see what options you have for the best of nocturnal adventures. And, we’ll go on to discuss how to develop better dreamtime recall so that you can remember those adventures.

Owen Waters is the author of Four Powerful Steps to Spiritual Enlightenment and Freedom of the Spirit.

Owen Waters

Who You Truly Are

Who You Truly Are

Message from Archangel Gabriel

Channel: Shanta Gabriel

Posted on April 30, 2023

The Gabriel Message Card for this week...

Your way to Harmony is remembering who you are in every moment... a Divine Expression, Spirit into matter

Harmony as a spiritual principle was first introduced to me by Archangel Gabriel in 1991. Prior to that, I had no awareness of what Harmony meant and why Harmony was so important to my life.

I found that Harmony represents alignment with my Source Energy. It is connection to my Higher Self and my guidance working in and through all that I am. When I am in balance, I feel a sense of Peace and Harmony within myself. In short, when I am in Harmony, I am happy.

I started using Harmony as an intention. I would go into situations and ask to be in Harmony with all who were involved. I asked to be in Harmony with my Highest Good and with my Soul's Purpose. I asked to be in Harmony with the Truth of my Self.

Most of us are familiar with the idea of harmonies in the music of choirs or symphony orchestras. It is glaringly obvious when it is out of harmony. Disharmony makes us very uncomfortable. In fact, that is my clue — when I am not in harmony, I feel uncomfortable. When I actually become aware of how uncomfortable my body feels, I can take positive action. From that point, I can start to breathe into my heart and come back into alignment with myself and with my higher guidance system. That is Harmony.

I looked up the word harmony in the dictionary. The definitions are mostly musical, although there is one that says, "the quality of forming a pleasing and consistent whole." This sounds like Unity consciousness to me — living in a pleasing and consistent wholeness. It even sounds like a worthy goal for my life.

In the dictionary, there is also a reference to physics in the word harmonic. It is defined as relating to component frequencies of a complex oscillation or wave. To me, this relates to the power of Divine Light. We are standing in the midst of powerful waves of high-frequency light. When we are in Harmony, we can integrate this empowering force within our being and direct the light to bring new creativity through us. As we use these harmonic frequencies, it allows us to work with others in more Harmony, because from this place of high-frequency alignment, we are all in Harmony with our own Truth.

When we are in Harmony with ourselves, it is easy to remember that we are all becoming a more Divine Expression of who we are on the Earth. We are each here in this life to blend our most Divine selves in Harmony with our most human selves, allowing all life to evolve.

Divine Presence,

Thank you for bringing more Harmony into every area my life. May I hold the spirit of Harmony within my being and ground it on the Earth so there can be more Harmony in the world.

May all that I do and say be in Harmony with my Soul’s Highest Reality. May all government systems be in Harmony with the highest good of the people. May the blessings of Harmony prevail within the heart of all beings. And so it is.

Shanta Gabriel
for Archangel Gabriel
April 30, 2023

The Gabriel Messages #3

Your way to Harmony is remembering who you are in every moment... a Divine Expression, Spirit into matter
Dear One,

Who you are is so much more than a physical body in a material world. Your very essence is part of a greater whole — God in whom you live, move and have your being, the Source of all Life.
This Presence expressing through you is the gift you give to the world. Imagine what earth would be like if all people remembered they were the Divine Essence expressing in a physical world. There would be so much more love, and so much less fear. In the essence of God, there is no separation into race or religion. There is no separation of any kind. It is all a great connected Wholeness.
When you remember that you truly are spirit and your purpose is to bring God through you into the physical world, different choices can be made. In the world of spirit, love, compassion and trust are key elements. In the world of spirit, joy, harmony and peace exist in all situations. There is freedom in your mind when you allow this truth to be in the forefront of your consciousness.
Release the need to believe as others do. Be the one who remembers God and speaks the truth. Be the one who blesses the world with the power of your remembering. If it is not appropriate to speak this truth, silently bless all people and situations when they are brought to your awareness. You will be a powerful force for good.
When you find others who are in agreement with you, and who know the truth of their Divine Expression, pray together. The power of remembering truth when two or more are gathered, creates an exponential leap of love and light in the world. Join together in a conspiracy of love to bless all people and situations where fear is the predominant emotion. Many people believe there are better ways to live than what is apparent in the cities of the world. Many have even withdrawn to lead more separate and quiet lives. Never, however, doubt the power of one. One person can bring tremendous good to the world when they radiate Divine Light from the consciousness of greater Harmony, Truth and Love.
The energy of loving prayer and blessings strengthens the link all people share — oneness with God. When more people send love, blessings and prayers toward others, the very vibration of the planet is increased. An increase in vibration stimulates more Love and Light.

Harmony, Peace and more Love is the blessed result.
This is the way to heal the world — moment to moment, each person blessing others and bringing Love into every situation, instead of fear. These actions not only assist all beings, they renew our faith in a benevolent and loving Presence within all things. From this place all are healed.

Remember your message from Archangel Gabriel today:
Your way to Harmony is by remembering who you are in every moment... a Divine Expression, Spirit into matter.
Shanta Gabriel
for Archangel Gabriel
April 30, 2023

It is most important that we understand the value of water

It is most important that we understand the value of water

By P'taah

Through Jani King

Posted on April 30, 2023

Q:  Is the war in Ukraine making us take decisions, for instance about nuclear power, that neglect nature?


P’taah:  Of course! Let us say this: of course!  It would be very beneficial if groups of you would come together to tone the earth and tone the water. Tone the water for the oceans, for the rivers, for the lakes. There are groups of peoples around the entire planet who do what they may to assist water, and they assist the clarity of water.


And you know, in a way it is quite interesting to see how you are all so concerned about your war of Europe and you neglect the wars everywhere else, because they do not really affect you. And yet the wars affect the planet no matter where they are, as does industry, no matter where it is.


And there is a part of the water that is not considered: all water connects – even the water in your body connects to the water in the Earth, within the Earth.  Without water, you know, there is no life upon your planet.


So it is really important that you, as a species, come in to the realisation of the value of the water, and the clean water, for your existence, for the existence of the planet, and do your utmost to heal this quite serious situation.


Water is the connection of all things upon your plane of reality – the rain falls, there is snow, snow melts.  There are your rivers, your oceans, your lakes, your streams, your aquifers.  Every drop of water is connected to every other drop of water upon your planet – the water in your body, the water in the stream at the bottom of your garden, the rain that falls – all of it, all of it is the connecting being-ness upon your plane of reality.

Q:  This is a period where change is the only constant.  How can we approach such periods not only to survive but to thrive?


P’taah:  It all begin with you: to take time to be still, to take time to be aware of your planet, be aware of the air that you breathe, be aware of the water that flows, be aware that you are part of this planet.


So you exist in your ethereal being-ness, your spiritual being-ness, and you exist in your physical being-ness – take time to connect and say thank you.

The really the collective consciousness

The really the collective consciousness

The Federation of Light 

Through Blossom Goodchild

Posted on April 30, 2023

F: =Federation of Light 
B: =Blossom Goodchild

B: Good morning to you. So, week after week, we have these informative, Loving chats, which is wonderful. Yet, where are we going with this communication? Where do you see this heading?

F: The most Brightest of greetings to you, Blossom, and all who partake in our conversations. For, although you feel it is ‘you’ asking particular questions … it is really the collective consciousness that is doing so.

B: Yes, that does make sense to me, as many say that I ask the exact questions that they would.

F: Where do we see this heading? In the direction that your Hearts are leading you.

Into the Feeling …

the Knowing of …

the Understanding …

the Acceptance …

the Lifestyle …

the Potential of …

the most wonderful exchange of Truth with those whose Hearts are ready to accept it.

B: I feel there are so many Hearts that are ready to do so. We have come a long way, each one of us … within the inner understanding of ourselves, and we are so Grateful for that.

F: Yet, dearest Blossom, dearest Souls, … that which is to excite you … that which is to lift your Vibrational Energies into a much Higher place is yet to come … and when it does … gradually, so as not to bemuse … your spirits will soar.




Recognize the potential of the Miracles one can perform, once stepping into the Lovingness of the Higher degree of Light that you are becoming, as your world ‘appears’ to be falling apart.

It is not your world that is falling apart … it is the old ways … the old days … that have to dissolve into the nothingness of what once was.

Being replaced by a Joy of Understanding. The Understanding that you feel you are searching for.

Your desire to KNOW … so much more … can sometimes be that which keeps it from you.

B: How so?

F: Because it is by the living in the moment of ‘NOW’ that one Truly LIVES.

When one is continually searching outside of themselves for answers and explanations … they shall remain unsatisfied. For Gratification … True Gratitude … comes when the appreciation of KNOWING THE SELF allows each given moment a Peaceful Breath … an acceptance of NOW … and the Understanding that anything beyond that is yet to come and shall take place in THAT moment of NOW when it arrives.

B: Yes. This we understand.

F: Yet, with respect, you don’t, Blossom.

B: Whoa! You jumped in pretty quick there. I thought I did understand it?

F: You understand the concept … as do many. Yet, are not so many of your thoughts concentrated upon ‘later on’ … be that later today … later in the month, the year, etc?

B: True. I feel I like to have things to look forward to. To be honest … sometimes the moment of ‘Now’ can be pretty hard going.


B: What is the answer, if one is not content with the moment of now? The thing is, I know you are going to say ‘Go within’. Many times have we chatted about this.

F: Yet, not quite found the solution, Blossom.

B: Clearly. I get that when confronted with feeling under par, it is good to breathe and say The Mantra and it really helps. Yet, shouldn’t we be coming from that place of KNOWING and JOY by now, without having to ‘make ourselves’ feel better.

F: You cannot be where you are not.

B: Oh ‘ello … ‘ere we go.

F: Blossom … do you accept that you are a Being of Light?

YB: es.

F: How bright is that Light?

B: However bright I choose/believe/know it to be.

F: And how bright is that?

B: How can I measure it?

IF: n so many ways.

How you are Feeling …

How much you are Laughing …

How much you are Creating …

How much Energy you have …

How much Compassion … Passion … Joy … Sharing … Loving … Hopping … Skipping …

B: Hold the phone a minute! Let’s not get carried away. I am 65 … not a lot of skipping happening with my legs!. Yet, I watch my grandson who is nine, without thinking, hop and skip to my car, when I get him from school. I wonder at his carefree Being … and think ‘Ah, those were the days’!

F: Can you physically skip?

B: Probably …  I might need an ambulance afterwards!

F: You say probably … so it is a possibility?

B: Yes.

F: Do you think by skipping you would feel Brighter?

B: Without doubt … if only for ten seconds.

F: So, you see Blossom, so many things one COULD do to ENJOY the moment of Now, yet, you allow the programming of getting old to block the ‘should’s and shouldn’ts’ … the ‘could’s and couldn’t’s.’



B: It’s funny, there is a saying we have regarding how much we would like to do ‘such and such’ yet, life gets in the way.

F: Far from it, Blossom. Life doesn’t get in the way. Your programming gets in the way!


and you, Each One of you, are experiencing life on this Planet … NOW!

You know by now, you choose your path. You choose your attitude as you walk that path.








Do you KNOW this in your Heart … fully, completely, Blossom?

B: What? That the one known as The Creator … The Divine … is actually me?

F: Yes … do you know that?

B: I know that concept as a Truth. Yet, I struggle a little with grasping that reality.

F: Why?

B: Because I was brought up to believe that if I pray to God … an outside source … then ‘he’ will take care of me. Of course, my knowing of God now, is not a he or she … and my entire understanding of who/what God is, has changed dramatically.

F: So, who is God?

B: I guess the correct answer would be ‘Me’.

F: What is the underlying answer you would like to give?

B: That God is the ENERGY OF LOVE … God is Consciousness … God is definitely NOT a person … which took me a long time to let go of, due to my catholic convent upbringing.

F: And Blossom … Do you see yourself as an Energy of Love?

B: Yes … I try to be that.

F: We did not ask if you TRY to be it … we ask if you see yourself as it? If someone were to inquire, who are you?  Would you say ‘LOVE’, because that is your knowing deep inside?

B: Yes … Yes … I would.

F: Would you say you were anything else in your essence of Self?

B: No.


B: Yes.

F: And didn’t you say that’s what GOD is?

B: Yes … Yes, I did.

F: You see the point we are making?

B: Yes, I do. Yet, the Energy, the Pure Energy of Love that we know as God/The Divine … whatever one chooses to call it … is far greater than I.

How can it be … if you are it?

B: I AM ‘of’ it. I don’t feel to be the all-knowing, understanding Energy, that I call ‘The Divine.’

F: Because you are programmed to believe otherwise.



Over eons of time the TRUTH OF YOUR BEING … has been almost annihilated at times. Yet, the flame of Love can NEVER be extinguished.

And the Energy that is Lightning up your Planet NOW … as more and more walk into the KNOWING OF THEMSELVES … THE KNOWING THAT THEY ARE A SPARK OF THE DIVINE …

B: Wait, that’s it! I think! I am a spark … not the whole kit and caboodle!

F: Blossom, a spark ignites into a flame … a flame becomes a fire of the greatest stirring of ALL THAT IS.

The Divine spark that you are, can take each and every opportunity to become a greater aspect of itself …











B: Well, it’s sure good to know that so many of us are riding the TRUTH TRAIN. Thank you so much. I AM THE LIGHT. I AM THE LOVE. I AM THE TRUTH. I AM.

Blossom Goodchild