Sunday, November 17, 2024

You Are A Beacon of Light

You Are A Beacon of Light

Archangel Gabriel, and Shanta Gabriel

Posted on November 17, 2024 

Near sunset at Sete Cidades volcanic crater; PD, Portugal

We are drawing on the compassionate and timeless wisdom of The Gabriel Messages to provide insight and inspiration that we can apply every day of our lives.

This message #27 from Archangel Gabriel reminds us that we actually radiate our energy into the world with every thought and prayer.

Your Prayers are a Beacon Calling to You the Love and Wisdom that You Seek.

The word that most stands out for me in this message is Beacon. It makes me think of the importance of Beacon Lights as signals in the world, such as the lighthouse that protects ships from wreckage on the rocks.

I have been fascinated by the idea of guiding lights since my association with Archangel Gabriel in 1990. He has continuously spoken of the importance of letting our inner light radiate into the world and has given many different processes to encourage that practice.

It's important to remember that Divine Light contains both the presence of God's Love and the power of Infinite Intelligence. Both of these empowering attributes are necessary for us to lead a life that is fulfilling from the Soul's level as well as from the purely human.

When we are in alignment with this Presence within us, Divine Wisdom and Love become more available for us. Our heart's wisdom is accessible and we find new levels of clarity and certainty to enhance our daily lives.

We have been told for many years that Love is the greatest healer there is. When we invite the Light of God to work in our lives, we begin to create a resource that we can allow to work in every area of life where healing is needed. This power of Love within God's light is so profound that it brings new high-frequency energy into our hearts, and from there into our bloodstream to enhance our health and well-being.

Many studies have been done demonstrating the efficacy of prayer. When we pray with a full heart of gratitude, it can raise our vibrational frequency and attract to us what we need. Paramahansa Yogananda said that our thoughts are prayers and we are always praying. The benevolent presence of the Universe is continuously providing what we are focused on in full, loving commitment to our happiness.

The problem is our focus of attention is often on what is lacking or what we intensely do not want to experience. This intensity of feeling creates the magnetism. Our feelings profoundly affect our ability to manifest the life we most want. To change the course of our experience, we need to place our attention on our intentions for the life we want to live.

Remembering that I am radiating energy into the field around me like a Beacon Light is important. Being an expression of Divine Light to the world requires my heart to be full of Loving Gratitude. When my heart is full of gratitude, I can more easily see there is Beauty everywhere around me. I am so filled with this natural beauty that I feel like my heart is bursting with Love. It thrills me to let Divine Love shower through me like a waterfall. My very cells begin to dance with Life Force. When I allow this fullness into my being, I naturally become a Beacon of Light and radiate this presence into the world.

These feelings within me are powerfully magnetic. The radiance of this pure Joy becomes a magnet for more of this ecstatic and nourishing experience ...and that makes me happy.

Divine Presence,

May every thought in my mind be a blessing to the world. Help me to raise my vibrational frequency through my prayers and love so that my every thought is a Beacon of Light to humanity.

May all that I do, think, or say be in Alignment with the highest Will of God working in my life.

Thank you for your blessings of Grace and Divinity in every area of my life. May the Light that shines through me carry Divine Intelligence and Love into my life and to others in every moment. May this Light bring more awakening and empowering peace into the heart of each person on the planet. And so it is.

Shanta Gabriel

November 17, 2024


The Gabriel Message #27

Your prayers are a beacon calling to you the Love and the Wisdom that You Seek.

Dear One,

Just as a ship at sea can be safe finding the land it is seeking through the beacon light on shore, so it is the power of your prayers. The guiding light of your prayers sets an intention for your life that leads the way to all you require for an abundant, healthy and joy-filled life. Prayer is an alignment with God's energy. It connects you to the abundant Source where all is provided. Prayer is not something you save until there is a dire need. Prayer is a way of aligning your thoughts to create the opening for miracles in your life.

When you pray you are sending out a powerful thought which is like a beacon light. This thought not only attracts what you are asking for, it sets a pattern of energy for the highest good in your life. It increases your conscious awareness of the power of great possibilities. Prayer creates a shift in your attitude so you can be a magnet for your good.

Your prayer does not have to be an elaborate ritual. Simple words that work for you are the easiest way to attune yourself to God. Prayer acts as a reminder that there is a Higher Power available to assist you in every area of your life.


Knowing that an attitude of gratitude can lift your awareness, it is often helpful to begin your prayers by giving thanks for that which already exists in your life. Proclaiming Divine Order is another powerful prayer when you don't know what else to ask for. When Divine Order exists in your life, you live in harmony, love and abundant joy.

Sometimes God seems very far away and too vast to comprehend. At those times, calling forth your guardian Angel is like calling on a friend, someone to talk to and pour out the deepest feelings in your heart. Know that it is all right for you to ask for what you want. The abundant resource of spirit is equal to every demand, and you deserve to be happy, and abundantly blessed.

It is often helpful to know the qualities you desire to attract to you when you pray. If you are lonely and asking for a mate, know clearly what you want in a life companion. These qualities could include a deep heart connection, understanding and harmony. When you ask directly for the qualities behind the physical attributes, it allows for a greater opening in your consciousness so you can receive at a deeper level.

Visualization can also assist your prayers. Imagine that you are a lighthouse on a rocky shore, a beacon of light. Feel the expansiveness as your light reaches out into the world around you. Know that your light is attracting your good to you and that you are assisting others by your beacon. When you become this light in your thoughts, it expands your consciousness and prepares the way for you to receive even greater light. It creates a new level of calming faith within you. So let your light shine. You are meant to be this beacon of light shining forth into the world for all to see.

Each person has this ability to shine, because each person is a part of the light, love and wisdom which is God. When you recognize this power within you, it will create the energy for miracles to occur. Believe that all the good in the universe is available for you, just because you are a beloved child of the Creator.

As you shine your light into the world, know that you are not alone. The abundant energy of God is pouring into you to assist you in keeping your light strong. Know that the Angels are also available as companions on your path, ready to assist you when you ask. You are a magnet for your good when you remember:

Your prayers are a beacon calling to you the Light and Wisdom you seek.

Shanta Gabriel for Archangel Gabriel
November 17, 2024
copyright: Shanta Gabriel 2024


Compiled by from: 

My notes: 
  • God the Source is unconditional love, not a zealous god of [some] dogmatic religions.
  • All articles are the responsibility of the respective authors.

Reminder discernment is recommended
from the heart, not from the mind
The Truth Within Us, Will Set Us Free. We Are ONE.
No Need of Dogmatic Religions, Political Parties, and Dogmatic Science, linked to a Dark Cabal that Divides to Reign.
Any investigation of a Genuine TRUTH will confirm IT. 
TRUTH need no protection.
Question: Why the (fanatics) Zionists are so afraid of any Holocaust investigations?

Visitor MapesoterismoFree counters!

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